Chapter 1 : Deadly life,1

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(Kokichi was taken aback by Ayanokoji finally reacting. His smile would disappear.)

Kokichi: ...Ah. So you do feel something...

Kokichi: ...You don't seem very pleased with me, do you?

Kokichi: I can tell by the cold and serious way you're staring at me.

Kokichi: Oh, I think I understand. You don't like it when I talk so harshly about you, right?

Kokichi: Hey, the thing is... I only said all those things to force you to fight back, you know? You were just too boring and easy for me, so I had to resort to irritating you to get a reaction out of you.

Kokichi: So don't be mad. It's not like I was being serious or anything.

Kokichi: ...Hey, you sure you're not mad at me? I mean, I can't tell if you are, but you're still giving me that look as if you're about to murder me or something.

Kokichi: It's almost as if you want to shut me up for good.


(Kokichi tries a surprise kick to the face)

Ayanokoji: !?

(Ayanokoji was already alert. He wouldn't be caught off guard that easily, so he immediately dodged the kick. He was now staring at Kokichi again)

Kokichi: Woah... looks like you're starting to get worked up, Genius!

Kokichi: Looks like my efforts have finally paid off. I got to get the emotionless guy to feel at least something...

Kokichi: ...If I can pull this off, I'll finally get the chance to see your true colors, so please keep that look on your face!

(Each attack, Ayanokoji immediately dodged. At first, Kokichi was shocked by how fast he was dodging his attacks. But then, he saw that Ayanokoji's look was starting to change)

Kokichi: Hah! So I was right! The emotionless guy IS getting worked up!

Kokichi: Come on, Genius Boy! Can't you dish out more than that?

Kokichi: Let's make this a little more interesting!

(Kokichi would now keep attacking continuously)

(Ayanokoji continued dodging his attacks and would not make any retaliating attacks)

Kokichi: Okay, what are you doing, Genius Boy? Why aren't you fighting back?

Kokichi: Are you too scared to fight back? C'mon, I'm waiting for you to do something back!

Kokichi: Or am I... getting on your nerves?


(Kokichi saw that Ayanokoji kept on dodging his attacks. This got him very surprised. But instead of backing down, he got a new idea in his head)

More like-

Kokichi: Hey, Genius Boy! I'm starting to get irritated by how much you dodge my attacks! Stop being a pussy and do something back, okay?

Kokichi: C'mon! I dare you! If you're so confident in your abilities, then prove it to me!

(Kokichi said all of this with a mocking expression)

Kokichi: So it seems my previous comments have struck a chord, huh? Well, then, now this is getting interesting.


Kokichi: I love it when people show their true colors... It's very fascinating.

(Ayanokoji suddenly got fed up with Kokichi's constant taunting, the thing he wanted to see. Was never seen- he knocked him out with a punch. Then, he walked away without even a single word.)

(Ayanokoji was leaving the rooftop after the interaction with Kokichi. He was calm and emotionless as usual. He would then notice Gonta, who was looking at him in anger and shock. It appears that Gonta assumed that the emotionless Genius had knocked out and maybe even killed Kokichi.)

(Upon seeing this, Ayanokoji would immediately realize that Gonta was in a state of anger. He knew Gonta was an emotional and caring guy, so his thought process would most likely be that he got angry at seeing one of his friends knocked out or potentially even dead.)

(Ayanokoji's eyes would quickly scan the situation around him, checking to see if anyone else had noticed or witnessed the situation. It appeared that it was just him and Gonta alone.)

(Ayanokoji began to think about Gonta's next move. He knew that Gonta was an emotional guy with strong morals, so his first instinct would likely be to attack Ayanokoji as a form of revenge for what he believed happened to Kokichi.)

Gonta : ...............


Gonta: why did you do this?-

(Ayanokoji would do his best to remain calm and emotionless, not giving away any hints that he felt stressed or threatened by Gonta's presence and anger at all.)

(Ayanokoji would immediately go into high alert, realizing that he has been confronted. His demeanor would shift to a confident, smug attitude to give the impression that he didn't do anything wrong.)

Ayanokoji: Do what...?

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