Chapter 12 : Traitor- or not?

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" Those who fall, shall raise again"

Tenko's point of view

Tenko:" huh?"

Kokichi:" welp, sorry guys i guess Angie is not in her lad after all"

Maki :" where would she go?"

Shuichi :" maybe she's in the bathroom?"

Maki :" what do you mean by that?"

Shuichi :" uh.. everyone gotta go to the bathroom at some point "

Himiko :" she told me not to disturb her"

Tenko :" but himiko-"

Himiko :" All of you go back now"

Tenko:" Himiko!"

Kokichi :" welp, i guess we can't help it "

Kokichi :" Bye-bye!"

Shuichi :" we should go back to her later i guess "

Maki :" it's already night time "

Maki :" Let's talk to her tomorrow "

Tenko:" But you both agreed to talk to her with me!"

Maki :" But we can't do anything if she's not here right?"

Tenko :" Well- you..we can just wait "

Shuichi :" it's okay-"

Maki :" let's go shuichi"

Shuichi :" fine.."

I stood there watching both of them leaving

Tenko:" ...."

I Know that Angie is already on control of the hall of the people here but..

I really to save himiko-

Tenko :" Himiko i-"

Himiko ?

I looked around

Tenko :" Himiko! Where are you?"

I looked around again but nothing

It was like she just disappeared

Tenko :" are you in here himiko?"

I shouted her name as i entered the ultimate artist research lad

But there was nothing

I opened the other side door

The ultimate artist lad had two doors , both in different sides

The one i entered in , was the locked door kokichi opened when we ran into him in the hallway

I looked around the other side of the hallway

Tenko :"..."

Tenko :" himiko?"

I saw a shadow of someone short

It must be her

Kokichi already left from the opposite side and same with shuichi and maki-

I followed her from behind-


I saw her entering one of the empty dark rooms in this hallway

What's going on?-

Back in the elite school

Horikita point of view

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