Chapter 19 : -start the game-

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-Welcome back to the new world program..

Ayanokoji point of view

As we all left the phone room , kokichi stopped us to take a look at the map

Kokichi :" look! Here is the map guys!"

Kokichi :" Study it very well just like how tsumugi knows the back of her neck!"

Tsumugi :" What?..."

Tsumugi :" what about the back of my neck? How did you know that that spot is sensitive?.."

Kaito :" I see...-"

Kaito :" the back of your neck huh?"

Maki :" why are you so interested in that?-"

Maki :" Gross.."

Ayanokoji :" Hey tsumugi..-"

Ayanokoji :" oma is probably just messing with you"

Tsumugi :" let's just keep that stuff a secret! I don't want it to be public on the internet or something like that!.."

Ayanokoji :" What?.."

Tsumugi :" Please!-"

Tsumugi :" if it spreads people will start playing tricks on me!!"

Ayanokoji :" Oh ok.."

Kaito :" first let's check the map, we gotta know what we are dealing with here"


There are two maps posted big and one small

I will look at the latter

Kokichi :" That one is called "mansion " which is where we are right now-"

There is one exit for the kitchen but only two exits for the dinning hall..

I gotta remember that this is not like the real world-

This is a virtual world where we move and feel like it's real-
But it's not no matter how much pain you can feel..

Kokichi :" this area is the entrance hall and the other room where you were in with the phone is the salon-"

The phone is our way to log-out

All what we have to do to use it is to say your full name

Kokichi :" Dinning room , kitchen and bathroom are also on the first floor-"

Kokichi :" Monokuma said that there is no 2nd floor but he did mention a roof top"

Before we move i should look at the big map as well..

It looks like a map of the virtual world itself

Shuichi :" it looks ...pretty expensive-"

Shuichi :" it even continues past the river"

Ayanokoji :" there is another building here"

Kokichi :" it's just a dinky chapel!"

Shuichi :" i see "

Kaito :" who prepared those maps?"

Tsumugi :" Is it Monokuma?.."

Maki :" then we would be in a trouble"

Kokichi :" Nope! It's me!"

Maki :" that's even worse.."

Maki :" Anyways we should focus on the more important issues right now"

Kokichi :" ..."

Maki :" where do you think you're going?"

Kokichi :" i was going to check things out alone?"

Kaito :" like hell! I'm gonna let you do whatever you want!"

Kokichi :" whatever i want?..-"

Kokichi :" why do i even need your permission kaito? "

Kokichi :" I'm leaving no matter what you guys say!-"

Kokichi :" it would be such a big trouble for me if someone kept watch over me-"

Kaito :" what?"

Shuichi :" keep watch?"

Gonta :" Gonta not sure he understand what's going on..-"

Gonta :" Gonta not sure how helpful he can be-"

Gonta :" but gonta can watch kokichi to make sure he does not anything weird!"

Kokichi :" You're so sweet!-"

Kokichi :" But i knew you would say that!"

Ayanokoji :" I will be with gonta then.."

Shuichi :" What?"

Ayanokoji :" Someone needs to make sure that kokichi doesn't do anything bad right?-"

Ayanokoji :" Then in this case 4 eyes are better than 2-"

Ayanokoji :" Don't forget the last time we left kokichi with gonta :"

Gonta :" What?"

Kokichi :" aww! Thank you so much! Ayanokoji Kun!-"

Kokichi :" But i knew you would say that anyways!"

Kokichi :" With both of you on my side! I know! I will be save from any harm!"

Shuichi :" ah, wait kokichi!"

Gonta :" it's okay leave it to gonta!"

Ayanokoji :" And me.."

And just like that i left the others with gonta and kokichi to find the secret of the outside world and keep an eye on kokichi..

Kaito :" He really knows how to use people..huh"

Maki :" I'm sure this was a part of his plan too"

Kaito :" what plan?"

Maki :" How am i supposed to know?"

Tsumugi :" Let's just hope he doesn't do anything bad to poor Gonta"

I'm sure he has a plan after all-

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