Chapter 5 : class trial, part 3

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The class was now split among themselves, as Gonta and Kaito began to raise their voices in protest against the verdict.

"There is no way Kokichi did this..."

Gonta insisted, defending his roommate's innocence with a firm conviction.

"Right! This is a setup! No way it's this easy!"

Kaito agreed excitedly, feeling the mystery was still ongoing.

"We won't accept this kind of biased judgement!"

Gonta shouted out with anger in his voice as he continued to argue with the consensus. His words were echoed by Kaito, who echoed his words with a similar tone.

The opinions were no longer divided into two clear-cut sides, with some students arguing in support of Kokichi's innocence and others arguing in support of his guilt.

The mystery of Maki's murder was still up in the air, and the debate for the killer's identity was still very much alive.

"Come on people, think! It's obviously not Kokichi!"

Gonta raised his voice as he argued with the majority of classmates, who had voted for Kokichi's guilt previously.

"There's no way Kokichi could be the killer!"

Kaito agreed with him, adding his voice to the arguments for Kokichi's innocence.

"Well, if it's not Kokichi, then who is it?"

A classmate spoke up, trying to steer the debate back to the original topic of identifying the killer.

This comment was met with agreement from some of the students, who wanted to focus the debate back on finding the actual killer.

Gonta and Kaito fell silent, feeling conflicted as they still wanted to defend Kokichi's innocence but wanted to focus the conversation on identifying the killer.

"Who could have such a huge grudge against Maki so as to actually murder her?"

"The question is...who did Maki piss off so much that they felt the need to murder her?"

More students began to argue amongst each other as they tried to find the killer amongst them.

The debate was once again becoming fragmented and chaotic, with the opinions on Kokichi's guilt or innocence being left aside for the moment.

"Let's focus on the actual matter now instead of bickering over Kokichi's innocence anymore! We have to find the real killer behind all this!"

Another student interjected, trying to steer the debate in the right direction.

"And what about the knife that was found near Kokichi's seat? I find that bit suspicious."

Another added, raising an important detail about the case and bringing it back to the spotlight.

"Yeah, that does seem damning doesn't it?"

Another person raised a valid point as they agreed with the suspicion over the knife.

"But who knows, it's easy to frame someone by putting a weapon near their seat... It could be anyone."

Someone pointed out, suggesting that it might not be a solid reason for suspicion. Gonta..

"Exactly! It's way too easy to frame someone by simply leaving a weapon near their seat. They could have just picked up the knife and put it there to frame Kokichi."

Another student agreed with the prior point, showing that there was no shortage of doubts floating around regarding the killer's identity.

"But who would want to frame the innocent Kokichi? They must have had a good reason for doing so..."

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