Chapter 4: class trial ,2

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"You just talked about the weather? What kind of conversation is that?"
Kaito asked, raising an eyebrow and a skeptical look toward Kokichi.

Kokichi's claim of having engaged in small talk with Maki was already sounding very fishy.

"Yep! We just had a nice little chat about normal stuff! We talked, she laughed... it was totally normal!"
Kokichi insisted, his tone becoming increasingly defensive as he tried to justify the conversation with Maki.

"So you're telling me that you met with Maki just to talk about the weather?"
Shuichi pressed further, his tone skeptical as he continued to poke holes in Kokichi's story.

"Uh... well... uh..."
Kokichi hesitated, obviously not knowing how to respond to the skepticism that was being directed his way.

The class stared at Kokichi, waiting for an answer as he became increasingly nervous and uneasy under their gaze.

"Uh... okay... fine!"
Kokichi finally broke.

"Of course I talked about more than just the weather! We talked about other things too!"

His tone was now defensive as he tried to come up with a reasonable explanation for his interaction with Maki.

"What else did you talk about then?"
Shuichi asked curiously, pressing him further as Kokichi seemed less and less credible with every word he spoke.

"Ah... um... we talked about..."
Kokichi seemed lost for words as his attempts to explain the conversation with Maki was failing.

Shuichi was definitely getting suspicious now, and the rest of the class was watching the scene play out with eager interest.

"Let me step in here."

Ayanokoji spoke up, stepping into the middle of the conversation as he directed his attention toward Kokichi.

Both Kokichi and Shuichi were shocked by his sudden involvement, and the rest of the class was startled by his abrupt intervention as well.

"Now, you're saying that you were the last one to talk to Maki before her death?"

Ayanokoji's voice was calm and collected, and his manner was completely at ease despite the tense atmosphere in the room and the mounting pressure on Kokichi.

"Yes, I was!"
Kokichi responded swiftly, sounding much more confident after Ayanokoji's involvement in the conversation.

It was obvious that the presence of such a well-respected figure such as Ayanokoji had made Kokichi feel much more confident in his statements, but this only made Shuichi even more suspicious of him.

"You do understand how this looks from our perspective though, right? You were the last one to speak with Maki, and now we have no idea what happened between the two of you in the period of time between your conversation with Maki and her death."

Shuichi spoke with a tone of caution, not wanting to sound too aggressive towards Kokichi but still trying to get him to be more informative.

"This is highly suspicious..."

The class was stunned by this new revelation, as Tsumugi held up what looked like a weapon, which she said had been found next to Kokichi's seat when they had awoken from the virtual world.

Everyone's attention was now directed towards Kokichi, who seemed visibly uncomfortable and nervous by the discovery of this new evidence.

"So... this was the murder weapon that was used to kill Maki?"

Tsumugi pointed to the object in her hand, and her tone was clearly accusing as she continued to address Kokichi.

Kokichi seemed shocked by the reveal of this new evidence, and the class's attention was now focused on how he would respond to this development.

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