Chapter 9 : daily life 2

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"No, I think I've had enough spice for quite a while."

Tsumugi replied as she took a sip of water to ease the lingering heat in her mouth.

Shuichi remained silent as he watched the exchange between his friends, smiling as he watched how they teased each other.

"Alright then, I'll remember your words when you come back for more spicy food tomorrow!"

Gonta replied, with a teasing and triumphant tone in his voice.

Tsumugi rolled her eyes at Gonta's statement, but she didn't protest his claim, so it was clear that he had won their little argument.

"Ugh, fine!"

Tsumugi admitted her defeat in a joking manner as she slumped her shoulders in false indignance.

Shuichi smiled as he watched Tsumugi give in to Gonta's teasing, clearly amused by their lighthearted exchange.

"I knew you'd come back to your senses!"

Gonta replied in an equally lighthearted manner as he continued to tease Tsumugi.

Tsumugi played along with Gonta's teasing, feigning exaggerated anger at his statement as she pretended to be offended.

It was clear that Tsumugi and Gonta were just having fun with their friendly banter, and neither of them were actually upset. Their exchange was just a light-hearted game between friends, and they were both enjoying their little competition.

They continued to joke around with each other, with Gonta teasing Tsumugi about her spice tolerance and Tsumugi pretending to be offended by Gonta's comments. Shuichi just watched them, smiling as he enjoyed the playful banter between the two.

As if on cue, Kokichi suddenly burst into the kitchen with his usual mischievous and cheerful manner.

"Good morning everyone!!!"

Tsumugi and Gonta turned their attention away from their conversation and towards Kokichi, clearly surprised by his sudden appearance.

Shuichi looked up from his breakfast and greeted Kokichi with a nod, somewhat used to the other's random appearances at this point.

"Ah, if it isn't my favorite group! Glad to see you all up and about. What are you guys up to?"

Kokichi asked cheerfully as he sat down at the table next to Tsumugi.

"Just having breakfast, as usual."

Shuichi replied with a polite smile, clearly not phased by Kokichi's sudden presence.

Gonta nodded in agreement, not bothered by Kokichi's sudden appearance and cheerful mood either.

"Ah, nothing more boring than that!"

Kokichi replied with a dramatic sigh, clearly feigning disappointment.

Tsumugi chuckled at Kokichi's comment, clearly amused by his playful demeanor.

"Oh really? And what do you have planned that's so much more exciting than breakfast?"

Shuichi asked in a teasing tone, knowing that Kokichi's answer would most likely be something completely ridiculous.

" Murder!"

Tsumugi and Gonta both immediately stopped their conversation at Kokichi's statement, both clearly surprised by his words.

Meanwhile, Shuichi simply raised an eyebrow at Kokichi's statement, not sure if he was being serious or just making a joke.

"Oh come on, don't look so surprised!"

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