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"You know your shift ended 5 minutes ago," Mary spoke up, "you can leave now. Don't worry, I can handle it by myself." She joked. I only laughed at her and shook my head.

"I don't have a ride," I explained, "I'm waiting out the rain." She nodded and hopped up on the counter to chill out before any customers walked in. It was nice working at a coffee shop, especially for caffeine addicts like myself. Free coffee is something I'd never pass up.

"Can I bum a cancer stick?" I asked as she pulled a fresh pack out. Nodding, she handed me one and raised one eyebrow up.

"Cancer stick?" She laughed, "is it 1955?" Mary lit her cigarette and then mine. I only laughed with her. I guess she's right. People don't really call them cancer sticks anymore, do they? I always thought it was cute. Cancer sticks. The bell on the door rung, indicating someone had walked in. We both naturally turned to see who it was. Me and Mary exchanged and looked. She slowly crossed her arms, eyeing him up and down.

"I guess I'm not waiting out the rain anymore." I said before trying to leave the shop before he even spoke one single word to me. I couldn't believe him.

"Lorelai, would you just talk to me?" Kurt followed me out into the rain. I only kept walking trying not to slip and fall in the puddles. It was quite hard considering it was pouring down like fucking quarters falling out of the sky.

"Would you just leave me alone?" I whined continuing to trudge my way through all the godforsaken water. I assumed Kurt would give up and just go home. But he wasn't one to give up on me. If you couldn't tell.

"No, I won't," he called to me, "I'm leaving for Rome in a few days. I wanted to talk to you beforehand." I just brushed him off and pretended I didn't hear him. Fucking Rome. Of course he's going to fucking Rome. Probably with her.

"Too bad," I said, "I thought I made it clear that I didn't want to talk to you anymore." It was true. I absolutely didn't want to talk to him anymore. After what happened, I sort of lost everything for Kurt. Oh who am I kidding? I was hopelessly in love with him still.

"You're right. But I'm not giving up on you. I love you, Rory. Please just talk to me. I'm divorcing Courtney, I swear. I don't love her, I love you. Can't you see that?" I didn't want to hear this. It only made my heart ache even more. And thinking about the little girl who was involved in all this made it even harder.

"Kurt, stop! Just stop! Enough is enough!" I couldn't even talk to him, I couldn't look at him, I couldn't hear him sing, I couldn't hear other people talk about him. It was terrible. I was shutting down.

"Do you know something? Frances keeps asking where you are. She can barely fucking speak and she knows your name Rory. I need you, we need you." He kept at it. Thinking about Frances made me sick. I loved her so much, and she didn't understand anything yet. It made me feel horrible. I even stopped walking for a little bit and rethought this entire thing. But I couldn't do it anymore. I just couldn't.

"Have fun in Rome, Kurt."

SEP 9TH, 1992

"Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. Life goes on, brah!" The radio at my work blasted. It was 7 in the morning and practically nobody came in this early so we always jammed for a little bit. By we I mean me and Mary. She was my best friend, and co-worker. We had a shared love for the Beatles.

"Lala, how their life goes on!" I sat on the counter smoking a cigarette while Mary cleaned up a little bit. I didn't mind working here, honestly. It was fun, and I got to hang out with Mary all the time. And listen to the Beatles. In fact, today we listened to the Beatles so loudly that I didn't even hear the door bell ring and signal someone had come in. I didn't expect it either. Like I said, no one comes in here until about 8:00 or 8:30.

"Coffee?" I heard with a slight laugh. With my cigarette dangling from my lips, I looked to my left. And my dumb ass finally realized that I was being obnoxious and rude. A man was sat there with such an amused look on his face. I quickly turned the radio down and faced him entirely.

"Jesus, I'm sorry. We don't get many people in here at this time of day. You said coffee?" I asked scratching the back of my neck nervously. He kept his smile and nodded at me. Then it struck me, he was cute. I mean absolutely gorgeous. His eyes were like heaven. I tried to keep my cool as I poured him a cup of coffee and slid it to him.

"You should turn the radio back on," he said, "I love the Beatles." I was expecting him to be upset or at least a little confused but he treated me like nothing had happened.

"You do?" I asked.

"Who doesn't?" He retorted.

"I guess you're right," I turned the radio up, "as you wish." I then returned to the back to completely pass out. Thank God Mary had been watching the whole time because she only smiled at me and encouraged me to go back out there and talk to him.

"I'm- I'm Lorelai," I said sticking my hand out to him like an idiot, "I'm really sorry for busting your ear drums with the radio. It wasn't my brightest moment. I'm really sorry." I didn't know what else to say to him honestly.

"Don't apologize," he grinned, "I actually loved it. Not many people play the Beatles around here. Nice to know they aren't losing fans."

"I know right." I agreed.

"I'm Kurt by the way," he said, "I saw this place and just decided to walk in. I'd never been in here. Good coffee." Kurt was a little awkward but holy shit so was I. He was adorable, and we both had that problem of not knowing what to say to each other.

"I'm glad you walked in," I bit my lip softly, "you'll have to come back." Could I be anymore of an idiot?

"Definitely," he smiled, "how much for the coffee?" Kurt fished his wallet out. For a second I forgot how much we charged for a single cup of coffee. His beauty just locked me in. I couldn't even think straight.

"Oh, uh, 75 cents." I said tapping my nails on the counter. It was quite a fidgety person.

"Really? That's pretty cheap," he said pulling out a five dollar bill and handing it to me, "keep the change, Lorelai." Kurt began to stand up and walk out of the coffee shop. I was so stunned and dumbfounded that I couldn't even say thank you to him. I hoped to God he'd walk in again tomorrow.

a/n ~ so, what do we think of the story so far?? does it completely suck? i think it does. shit, i don't know lmao.

PALE BLUE EYES. kurt cobainWhere stories live. Discover now