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"Do you know who the fuck that was?!" Mary exclaimed a couple minutes after Kurt had left. I only furrowed my eyebrows at her excitement and shook my head, "well, I thought he looked familiar when he walked in and now I know! Kurt fucking Cobain! Only the biggest fucking rockstar in the world right now!" She shrieked. I hadn't really been paying attention to news recently but I did know about Nirvana and Smells Like Teen Spirit. Never saw the video though...

"What?! He probably thought I was so stupid to not know who he was!" I said setting my face in my palm and sighing. I was surprised he didn't tell me who he was or at least explain to me that he was famous. I couldn't given him that coffee for free or something.

"If he comes back in, I'm getting an autograph! Holy shit, Kurt Cobain was in the same place as me. How did I not realize at first!?" I couldn't believe her excitement. I definitely had to go home and watch MTV. It's time for my ass to catch up on Seattle news, huh? And I hoped to God he'd come back in tomorrow.

The next day, I heard the bell ring on the door at least five times and every time I looked, it wasn't Kurt. I was beginning to lose hope since my shift ended in about another half hour. I was weirdly upset that he hadn't walked in yet, but I thought I was crazy since I didn't barely know him. But just as I lost hope, the bell rung again and in walked Kurt with his sweet face.

"Kurt!" I said a little too loudly, "I, um, hi." I was such an idiot when I spoke to him. Could you blame me? He was absolutely gorgeous. His face brightened up and he sat up at the coffee bar again. I think I was way too excited he came back.

"Hi, Lorelai," he said, "how've you been?"

"Good, really good. You?" I bit my lip and tried not to turn bright red. He shrugged and sort of brushed the question off before asking for coffee again. When I went to the back to make it for him, Mary walked out with excitement plastered across her face.

"Hey, I don't mean to be annoying but can I please get your autograph. I absolutely love your music." I laughed to myself and being my nosey self I leaned back to hear what Kurt would say.

"You're not annoying," he assured, "do you have a pen?" Kurt sounded a little exhausted but I never would ever expect him to be rude to anyone. He seems like he was always nice not matter what.

"Thank you so much! And congrats on your baby. I bet she's adorable!" Mary said. My jaw dropped wide open and it almost touched the floor. He has a baby? No way... no. way. And Mary didn't think to tell me?!

"Thank you," he said, "she is." Then, Mary walked back with a picture that had "Kurt Cobain" signed across it. I only smiled at her like it was no big deal and walked back out with his coffee. Maybe I should say something else to him. Start a conversation.

"I, uh, I'm gonna be honest. I didn't realize you were famous when you walked in yesterday." I laughed a little bit.

"I'm not famous," he shrugged, "I'm just a guy... there's absolutely nothing special about me." He took a sip of his coffee and looked at the ground. Okay, he didn't like talking about fame.

"That's not true," I said, "I don't even know you and I can tell you're special." I cursed to myself when I said that. I probably sounded stupid and creepy. Maybe not, because he smiled brightly at me and even blushed a little bit.

"I could say the same thing about you." I melted at that and tried not to seem all happy and mushy. That's how he made me feel though.

"A-and I didn't know you were a father. How amazing is it?" I tried to change the whole fame subject. His face beamed and he had this look of pure proudness on his face. It's just that moment when you can tell someone is absolutely head over heels about their child.

"Oh, it's great. She makes everything better I'll tell you that." He rested his chin in his hand and seemed to get lost in a daydream about his daughter.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Frances," he said, "me and my wife named her after Frances McKee from The Vaselines. I've always like them." Kurt took another sip. Holy shit. Wife?! No fucking way. I feel like an even bigger idiot now. Did I really think this was gonna go somewhere anyways?

"Oh, did you? That's adorable," I tried not to just cry from embarrassment, "do you ever sing to her?" I asked trying to take my mind off the whole wife thing.

"All the time," he said, "she's only about a month old. She's so small, it's crazy," Kurt absolutely loved talking about her, I could tell. I could just tell. Mary walked in and pretended to work on some things but I knew she was trying to listen to our conversation, "I've actually been meaning to look for a nanny. I'm on tour a lot and I practice a lot, and so does my wife. It's just hard when you can't really trust anyone anymore."

"Lorelai can do it!" Mary butted it. I looked at her like she was crazy and sort of stood there with a shocked expression. So did Kurt. He looked a bit confused.

"What? But I work for you... here." I didn't know what to say. Mary basically just fired me if you think about it.

"Not anymore. She can do it," Mary turned to Kurt, "she's the sweetest, most trustworthy person I've ever known. She loves kids, she's amazing. She can do it." I didn't know what to say to Mary.

"Well," Kurt looked at me, "would you? I live on Lake Washington." All this pressure was on me but I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I would see Kurt more if I took this job.

"I..." I looked at Mary who was giving me a look that screamed "do it" I couldn't believe myself but I just gave in, "yes, I'll do it."

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