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I couldn't believe myself. Never in a million years did I think I could take a leap like this. Not only did I leave my job, I took a job for a rockstar. A rockstar! I'm sure he had high expectations and I'm sure I had to work extra hard to impress him. And not to mention I'd be taking care of a baby, I'd have to make a pretty big impression on her too.

"I cannot believe you're working for Kurt Cobain. Do you know how big this is?! Especially, around here? Everyone loves that guy." Mary said. It was Saturday, I started as a nanny on Monday. He explained to me that he practiced with his band a lot during the week, and he left for a month long tour in about 2 weeks. So this was an everyday job. I didn't mind though.

"It's not that big. He seems normal to me. It's just crazy that he's a rockstar. And his wife," I gave Mary a look. I had done some research by watching MTV and browsing magazines, "apparently she's a nutcase." I giggled a little bit. I'd have to meet her to really believe what was said about her, I guess. But I had this hatred for her anyways. Even if she was the sweetest person in the world. I just liked Kurt a lot.

"Oh yeah. That's been known for awhile." Mary agreed. My apartment was rather small, so me and Mary didn't have much to do. I was anxious for Monday to come. I had everything planned out. Since Frances was only a month old, there wasn't much fun stuff I could do with her. I assumed Kurt would have formula, toys, etc at his house but I bought some just in case.

"Well, I hope Frances likes me. I know she's really young, but still." I admired my nails in boredom. Could it be Monday already? Please?

"How could she not. You're amazing with kids." Mary said. I just had experience. I grew up with three younger siblings. You just pick up a few things throughout the years.

"Well," I paused, "I don't want it to be weird either." Since Kurt insisted I stay for awhile after he got back home for dinner. I tried to protest since I didn't want to feel like I was intruding on his life. He insisted I stay.

"It won't be. It'll only be weird if you make it weird. You're the nanny, remember? Just know your place and you'll be fine." Mary assured me. I guess she was right. Now I'd have to prepare all I'd say on Monday. To Courtney (hopefully she'd be a more on the calmer side than what I have heard) and to Kurt.

Okay, this was it. I had pulled up the the address Kurt gave me. It was 10 o' clock in the morning but besides that, I was excited to be here. It was a big house, surrounded by trees, it was covered by fog and mist from the rainy Seattle weather. It was a little scary, not gonna lie. I sat in my car for awhile trying to shake my nerves out but my stomach was drooping to the floor. I didn't know why I was so nervous, I never got nervous. But eventually I had to get out of the car and walk up to the first set of doors I saw. There were a lot of doors. But I assumed these were the main ones.

I knocked, readjusted the bag over my shoulder, and took a deep breath. Thankfully, Kurt answered the door with a bright smile. I hadn't seen him smile so big before.

"Hey, Rory," he greeted me, "come inside. Don't let this house intimidate you, okay? I'm not some rich, oblivious, greedy rockstar guy." Kurt was quick to make that known. I only nodded at his words with a smile and followed him through the door and into the giant living room. It was breathtaking. His single living room was the size of my whole apartment.

"Oh, is this Frances?" She was awake and stirring in her crib. I immediately fell in love with this baby. She had the biggest blue eyes, the sweetest nose and she seemed to be smiling. My heart swelled when I saw her. It was the weirdest reaction I'd ever had.

"In the flesh." Kurt answered sweetly watching her. I cautiously reached my hand down and rubbed her sweet, fuzzy little head. It was adorable. I think it was maybe even more adorable to see the way Kurt looked at her. Pure love.

PALE BLUE EYES. kurt cobainWhere stories live. Discover now