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"Okay, first you wanna preheat the oven." I was explaining to Kurt how to bake a cake. He was really into this idea of me teaching him how to bake. I really liked it, he was fun to teach. I couldn't help wondering why he never learned... most men don't though.

"Alright," Kurt said, "done." I read the green numbers on the oven that said 350. I smiled and looked at the back of the cake mix box. 1 and a half cups of water. I trust that Kurt could do that.

"Could you pour 1 and a half cups of water into the bowl and I'll get the eggs out?" I asked. Kurt nodded and started looking through the cabinets and drawers for measuring cups. He might've not even had any. But in this giant house I'd expect them.

"Found them," He laughed before turning the sink on. I carefully grabbed the carton of eggs from the fridge and set them beside the bowl. Kurt had successfully poured the water in and mixed it all up with the cake batter. I smiled and handed him two eggs, "I'm nervous." He admitted.

"Go for it, you can do it. It's only a few eggs." I reminded him. He gulped and hit one egg on the side of the bowl, he very carefully pried it open letting it fall into the mix. Then he did the other one. And he did it perfectly.

"Perfect!" I exclaimed, "now he wait for the oven." I tapped on the counter quickly and thought about what we could possibly do with this time. I looked to my left and Kurt had picked up the spoon from the batter.

"Don't judge me, okay?" He giggled before licking some batter off the spoon.

"I do it every time," I giggled with him before he handed the spoon to me. As he handed it to me, he bumped it up a little bit and caused a dollop of batter to cover my nose. I could tell by his mischievous smile that he did it on purpose, "you- you—" I was about to call him every name in the book but remembered he was my boss.

"Come on, finish your sentence." Kurt laughed. If he was inviting me to do so, I might as well.

"You asshole!" I exclaimed swiping some more batter and smearing some on his nose as well. Now he were definitely even. But Kurt seemed to be in a very mischievous mood because he took even more batter and guided it across my cheek. I giggled and took some more and did the same. Somehow, it ended up in a full on battle of who could get the other more covered in batter. The kitchen was a mess, an absolute mess.

"You're insane!" Kurt said through giggles. The whole bowl was practically empty and all over each of us. I grabbed an egg and held it up in my hand with a tempting look.

"Don't make me!" I warned. Kurt put his hands up in defense and slowly backed away. Suddenly he grabbed an egg as well and cracked it over my head. I moved before it could fully douse me but it's sticky contents still covered my head a bit.

"Oh, now you're asking for it!" I said before taking my egg and cracking it straight down the collar of his shirt. For some reason, I could tell Kurt didn't have fun like this often. His smile seemed genuine and rare. I loved that I could get him to feel like this.

"Jesus, it's cold!" He laughed. I only covered my face in my hands sort of shocked at what we'd done. The kitchen looked like a tornado had hit. Suddenly the oven beeped and we both looked to the bowl and it was quite empty. He admitted laughter and even had to hold one another up from laughing so hard we fell.

"I better check on the baby." I said before carefully stepping into the next room. She was sound asleep in her crib. I smiled before returning to Kurt who was attempting to clean himself up.

"Do- do you mind if I take a shower?" I giggled, "after you of course." I added.

"Yes, of course. I'll watch Frances, you go first." He sweetly said. I smiled grandly and thanked him before he walked me down the hallway and into the bathroom where the tub was. He reached up in the cupboards and set a towel down on the sink.

"Left is for hot, right is for cold." He pointed to the faucet. I thanked him again and took a look at myself in the mirror, I looked a mess. And Kurt didn't seem to care, thank God. I had the sudden burst of energy, I wanted him to stay and talk to me for some reason. Maybe I should play dumb.

"Sorry, you said left for hot right?" I couldn't believe himself.

"Mhm," he answered, "anything else you need?" Kurt asked. Am I really that desperate? It's not like these little things would ever work, he was happily married. I think. But it's worth a try, if it'll make me feel like I'm worth something.

"I hate to be annoying," I started, "but could you help me get this egg out of my hair." My lip was between my teeth as I waited for Kurts answer.

"Sure." He said running the faucet over a damp wash cloth. I hopped up on the sink so he could get a better view of me and he began gently and softly running the cold, damp cloth through my hair. Something about his touch made me feel like this could be something. I really wished it was. But I'm crazy.

"I love everything about this house," I suddenly said, "the noises, the smells." Kurt smiled and ran the cloth against my cheek that also had egg and batter stuck to it. I felt like crying honestly, the way I felt about him was so different.

"I wish I could say the same." He muttered.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing," he shrugged, "what's wrong?" He saw my stupid eyes watering and my face sort of dropping.

"Nothing... I just haven't had fun like that in awhile." I admitted to him. I saw that light in his blue eyes flash again and I got a smile from him. Another genuine, rare smile. It was a real smile. Not the one for pictures. Not the one for interviews.

"Me either. Is this okay?" He said motioning to the running shower.

"Oh, it's more than okay. Thank you, I'll hurry." I said hopping down from the sink. He nodded and left the bathroom, closing the door tightly behind him.

PALE BLUE EYES. kurt cobainWhere stories live. Discover now