3 | Secrets of the Heart

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"Hey, Sirena, are you awake?"

The voice, soft yet persistent, pulled me from the depths of sleep. Blinking away the remnants of dreams, I recognized the familiar tone of my friend, Rosaline.

"Yeah, I'm here," I mumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The rain outside provided a steady backdrop to our conversation, its gentle patter a calming presence in the dimly lit room.

"Sorry to wake you," Rosaline said, her voice tinged with concern. "But I wanted to talk to you about something."

I sat up, pulling the covers closer around me. "What's on your mind?"

Rosaline hesitated for a moment before speaking, her words measured. "I had another visio last night. About the meadow."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of the meadow, a place that held a special significance for both of us. It was where we had first met, where our friendship had blossomed amidst the whispering grass and moonlit skies.

Rosaline was an omega, the lowest rank in the werewolf hierarchy, her status a stark contrast to the privileged elite of the academy. Despite this, she carried herself with a quiet dignity that I admired. Her entrance, however, took me back to the first time we met, a memory that was still vivid in my mind.

It happened quickly, an accident when I witnessed something I shouldn't have. I didn't recognize the stranger before me. She didn't seem like a student here. If that was the case, why was she here? The image was etched in my mind—a magnificent creature with fur, fangs, and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly light.

Startled, I blurted out, "What in the world?" My exclamation alerted her to my presence, startling the girl. It was no ordinary creature—larger than the wolves I'd read about, that's for sure. Wolves aren't native here, so stumbling upon one, especially of this size, felt oddly out of place.

It wasn't just any wild animal; it was something more. The eyes held a glint of understanding, a hint of intelligence that belied the average wolf. A werewolf.

Despite knowing about the existence of werewolves, it was my first time seeing someone shift from one. The sight filled me with a mixture of surprise, awe, and curiosity. Just as quickly, the stranger shifted back into the majestic wolf, a brief pause, then she flashed a shy smile, a subtle acknowledgment of our shared secret.

In that moment, the air between us crackled with an unspoken connection. I hesitated for a heartbeat, caught between fascination and the need to unravel the mystery. Without thinking, I took a step forward, drawn to the wolf standing before me.

Without warning, the wolf turned and bounded away, disappearing into the shadows of the forest. A surge of adrenaline propelled me forward, instinctively calling out to her. "Wait! I don't want to hurt you." I chased after the wolf, the trees blurring as I ventured deeper into the heart of the mysterious encounter.

Emerging from the cluster of trees into a breathtaking meadow, I circled the place, calling out for the girl. A rustle nearby caught my attention. Ah, I found you now, I thought, my heart racing. There was a long stretch of silence before the wolf emerged from behind a cluster of trees, worry and astonishment reflected in her glassy eyes.

I slowly approached her, hands outstretched to signal I meant no harm. I fawned over the wolf, gently stroking her snout. "Could you turn back?" I asked, not expecting a reply. To my surprise, the wolf stepped back, transforming into a girl right before my eyes. It was a seamless transition, as if the change was second nature to her. I stood there, dumbfounded, as the enormous wolf became a curious girl.

"I'm sorry for running off; you surprised me," she apologized.

"It's okay. I didn't mean to startle you. Why did you run?" I inquired, my curiosity getting the best of me.

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