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Sirena's POV

I came through and found myself surrounded by darkness, again. Why does this keep happening to me? I keep being thrust into darkness against my will. Why am I here now? Hello everyone here, I was met with my own echo. The feeling of deja-vu rushing through me. You'll think I'll get used to it by now.

The atmosphere felt different though, this time it was cooler and refreshing. That's probably just me, though. I was panicking like I did when I first found myself in this situation, which was understandable. Any sane person would have reacted the same way, more or less. This time, I was feeling... I don't know how to put it into words. Let me see. Like a calming, cool bubble surrounding me, almost like I was being protected.

No fear, no pain, just coolness. And just like before, there was a light at the end. The closer I approached it, the brighter it shone. Until I was completely developed in it. I shielded my eyes, for better access to what lies in front of me. This time it was different. It wasn't in the same garden I met the Moon Goddess. Or maybe it was, I don't know. Anyway, this one looked different. Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful, but it had a different aura to it.

"A great war is coming," echoed a voice. "It'll be tasking; test your willpower, your strength, your love. Do not lose sight of your people. Remember, you are not alone. You must use that to your advantage."

The voice echoed through the emptiness, dissipating along with the light.

* * *

When I came to, I was greeted with worried expressions. i looked at them confused. "You passed out, love, when you shifted, again may I add?"

"What happened?" I asked. You fainted due to exhaustion. You pushed yourself too hard.

"Oops," I replied sheepishly. "Oops indeed." A smirk on his lips. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Me. I could never. Not when my mate is in distress. laying 'the concerned mate' a bit thick. I gave him a pointed look. 

"Okay, you got me." 

"Ha, I knew it," I exclaimed incredulously. Zander only chuckled some more. i puffed out my cheeks in annoyance. "Why are you always picking fun at me?"

"I'm not picking fun."

"Are too." I know I sound like a child right now, but who cares? 

"All right, you got me again." That just goes to show you, I thought. "I just can't stop myself; you're so much fun to pick at." i glowered at him. 

"You're cute when you're annoyed." 

"I am not," I protested. Zander continued to laugh. Secretly, I was happy. Seeing him like this was a treasure. He's always so serious and moody. It's nice to see a relaxed Zander once in a while. 

"So how are you feeling?" Zander asked. It became serious real quick. It was fun while it lasted. "Why," I asked, curious as to where this was going.
"I thought we could go on a little date. Take a break from the chaos that is our life right now."

I beamed at him, finally we have some alone time away from everyone and the troubles. "I would love that." 

'That's fantastic. We'll meet at midnight in our meadow." I agreed with a nod. "It's a date," I remarked. Zander laughed. "You should get some sleep. You'll need it, believe me." I was left alone with my thoughts.



Midnight came faster than I expected. Feeling well rested, I got out of bed, making my way to our en-suit. Once done, I got dressed in a simple slim fit black jeans, paired with a top, bomber jacket and my favorite high tops.

I made my way downstairs and out of the pack house. Not wanting to ruin my outfit, I didn't shift. I tapped into my wolf, borrowing some of her speed for a faster travel. I got there within minutes.

Weirdly enough, I was met with nothing. Maybe I'm a bit early. I checked the time on my phone. It read 22:59. Literally only a minute early. Just when I was about to mind link Zander. He popped out from behind a tree, scaring me half to death. I know I like using that phrase, get over it.


Just as the words left his mouth, the entire meadow lit up like a Christmas tree. I looked on in astonishment. It's beautiful. Zander was beaming from ear to ear. He looked ridiculous.

"My lady," Zander said, slightly bowing as he pulled out my chair. Play the part of a gentleman. I laughed as I played along. "Thank you, good sir," I slid into the chair presented to me. Zander pushed me in and walked over to his seat. Proceeding to explain what food he had laid out, still putting on the act. "Now, my lady, we have a wide range of delectable cuisine. You may freely select whatever you want."

I couldn't stop myself from laughing. "Whichever should I choose. What would you recommend, sir? I dare say, there's so much to choose from?""Well, if you insist.""I insist." It took everything I had not to burst out laughing."I dare say, the fruit cake looks delightful. "Oh""Shall I cut you a slice?""You may." Zander proceeded to cut a slice, a large chunk, and placed it on an elegant-looking plate in front of me."I dare to say, you outdid yourself. It looks splendid.""Thank you. Tea, my lady.""Certainly." Zander proceeded to pour me some tea, placing it in front of me. I took a fork and cut a piece of cake. I moaned as I placed it in my mouth.

"Sir, where did you get such delectable treats?"
"It's prepared by the pack's best chef. Nothing but the best for you, my lady."

This pattern continued for the duration of the date. They were amused by each other's company and antics. I sat poised on the lush grass, staring at the night sky.Zander's gaze was fixed on me. "What are you staring at?" I asked, facing him."You," he said, a cheeky grin on his face. "Sirena..." "Hmm.""Sirena..." His confession came so abruptly, it caught me off guard. Zander misinterpreted this. What a cliche, I thought. "You don't have to say it back. I ju-" I kissed him and stopped him in his tracks before he could say anything else. "I love you too"

Beaming, Zander kissed my lips slowly and tenderly. The sweet kiss quickly turned into one of passion. Zander stopped me when I reached for his buttons. "Are you sure?" he asked, his gaze fixed on mine. "I want you in every way, Zander."

That night, in our meadow, we made love under the stars.

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