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Chapter Twenty Six


Sirena's POV

My eyes flutter to immediately close from the blinding light. Where am I thinking? Sorry about that voice. Reopening my eyes, I waited as they readjusted, the light ahead now dimmed from a bright glare to a soft glow. I glanced around the room, noticing that everywhere was pristine and white.

Am I in a hospital, I thought. Yes you are dear, came the voice again. Wait, I didn't say anything, did I? I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, glancing at the young woman, standing on the right side of, what I now know is my hospital bed, a clipboard in hand.

You were found unconscious in the library and rushed here, she continued, not even spearing me a glance. Do you remember anything at all, said the doctor, this time facing me. I shook my head, in response. How strange, she mused. Do you know your name and where you are? Of course, I do, thinking 'that's an unusual question.' Yes, I replied And... she prompted. Oh yeah,

"My name is Sirena, and I'm in the hospital." She nodded, glanced back at her clipboard, then back at me. I wonder what's on her clipboard. I didn't know what to think of all of this, it's all weird. Everything has been weird and crazy ever since I found out that werewolves were real and so on.

"Do you remember anything else, like being kidnapped, going to the library etc," she added. I furrowed my brows further, confused by the question. If this keeps up, I'm going to have a permanent frown etched on my face. "Sirena."

My attention was redirected back to the doctor. I can't keep referring to her as the doctor, not that she isn't, or maybe she isn't really, and she's faking it somehow. I searched for her name tag but found nothing. Maybe she really isn't really a doctor. Come on, Sirena, get out of your head, she probably just forgot it somewhere. I thought.

"Sirena." I was snapped out of my thoughts, again. "Do you remember anything else, like being kidnapped, going to the library etc," she repeated. "Right, sorry," I apologized, smiling sheepishly. "Well, I remember being in my room and then blacking out," I replied, not entirally convinced. It's all a bit hazy, I added. It seems you have minor amnesia, it should return shortly. I stared at her blankly. How the hell did I get amnesia, nothing was making any sense. My mind is this close to imploding.

"Umm, doctor," I trailed, not exactly sure how to phrase the question. I'm so dying to find the answer, too. "Yes, Sirena, she replied, currently typing away on her laptop. Am I the only one who finds it weird that she knows my name – which I pretty sure I didn't tell her – and I don't know hers? It's giving bad vibes, like a murder is about to happen.

"So, why am I here, exactly?" I asked. "Like I said before, you're here because you fainted in the library," she replied, aggravated. I sighed, I wasn't getting anywhere, here. I get the distinct feeling she's lying, or at the least not telling the whole truth.

I wanted to ask here why I was in the library in the first place in a different pack that clearly wasn't my own, along with the weird vision I got before facing out, which was weird, I remember having a vision but not how it was triggered, why, it was triggered and how the hell I ended up in a pack that isn't mine.I was getting the feeling that I shouldn't trust her. This was infuriating. Then it dawned on me, I can just ask Zira, she'll probably know. Why didn't I think of this before, I deadpanned? I tried mind linking her, but nothing. I couldn't reach her, come to think of it, I can't feel her presence either. I tried again, "Zira, you there." There was a long pause, no reply. At this point I was panicking, the machine connected to the IV that was currently monitoring me started beeping.

The nameless Doc rushed towards me. "You need to calm down," she consoled. But I couldn't, I've had Zira with me at a very young age, she means the world to me and being here where I don't belong, that isn't home it's just too much to take.

Sirena, you need to calm down now, or I'll be forced to take serious actions. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and concern. What exactly did she mean by that? My mind started to go into overdrive, conjuring scenarios, each one not ending nicly.

"Ugh! Why me," the nameless doctor replied frustrated, leaving to retrieve something from her desk... I don't get why she's frustrated. I mean, she's not the one having a panic attack or lost her wolf or even knowing where the freaking hell she is. What the hell is she all tense about. The nameless doctor reappeared with a freaking needle in her hand. The thing was huge, I could feel my eyes widen in shock. What the hell is she going to do with that, she better not put that in me, no way. I started to squirm.

"You need to stop moving," she said through gritted teeth. I of course didn't listen, who the hell would. I could sense that the doc was getting impatient, but I didn't care, I wasn't allowing this wannabe to put that needle in me.

Who knows what's in those. but i wasn't the only one who wasn't going down without a fight. I should have known better. Before I could make head or tails of it, a shock went through me followed by a string and just like that I found myself surrounded by darkness.

Just before I was completely engulfed by its cooling touch, an image appeared before me, so vivved, I thought they were real. Weirdly enough I got this feeling that I knew her, like we met before, but I dont think I've ever seen her before. The woman reached out to me with her dazzling smile, I of course was transfixed and still in shock. So beautiful,,, I trailed.

Why do I feel such a strong connection to this woman, and why am I so transfixed? Nothing makes any sense, nor does It add up. Her voice echoed as she drifted away, a golden sparkle and a strong sense of warmth left behind. My body felt light head fussy all over as it slowly gave in, drifting into darkness. 

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