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Chapter Twenty Three

Sirena's POV

Since the conversation I had with Zander, everything has been going well thus far. I've managed to connect with my wolf, Silver. Due to my connection with my wolf, I feel much stronger now. The feeling is exhilarating. Then there's the feeling of closeness; closer to my father. I wish I'd known him. Just the thought of it, making my heart clench in pain, it's weird, hurting when I don't really know who he is.

Then again, losing someone so dear without getting the chance to meet or know them is plain cruelty. Understandably so, my emotions are all over the place. I need to focus my thoughts and energy on the present and be happy about what I have right now.

That's not the only thing that has changed. Zander and I's relationship is slowly blossoming. It'll take some time, but I can see a future with him. That's a sure sign, I'm sure. Zander has been very patient with me, taking things slow for my sake, and I'm truly grateful for that. I don't know what I'd do without him. I couldn't have asked for a better mate.

Speaking of mates, I haven't seen him all day. I wonder if he's still in a meeting. There've been a lot of those lately, when you're of higher ranking, like Zander, who's the Alpha of the Pack, which makes me Luna. As Luna, I should be there with him, showing my support and whatnot. But being new to the pack along with the whole werewolf, finding out about my parents' along with all the other drama that keeps following me, Zander thought it best that I strained from it at the moment.

I'll be honest, I was hurt at first. Once he explained it to me, I understood where he was coming from. There's also the fact that no one excluding Zander's family and his Beta, Devon, is aware of the situation. And not to complicate things, along with helping me to better familiarize myself with everything that came with my sudden transition into the pack. It's better this way, for the time being.

There have been a lot of them lately, meetings I mean, ever since the rogue attacks. It was scary, seeing those nasty things, destroying everything in their paths, not caring of the repercussions their actions have. The worst part was the feeling of helplessness, unable to do anything. Since then, I've been giving it my all.

Speaking of, my training is going well according to Zander, Devon, and a couple of others, then again, they could just be biased. Nonetheless, I'm going to give it my all, so I can continue to grow stronger and stand proudly by Zander's side.

* * *

The Next Day

Something didn't feel right, I was getting this weird feeling, that something bad was about to happen. Not knowing what to make of it, I shook it off and continued with my day.

Today, I'll be perfecting my defence. I strolled down the stairs, passing by pack members, and they greeted me, some nice, while others weren't, opening, glaring and whispering, knowing in doubt about me, the stranger, who was accepted into the pack.

No one in the pack knows I'm Luna, as I've previously mentioned. They will likely feel differently or put on a facade at the very least. I sighed, deciding to ignore the stares. Thankfully, not everyone in the pack is so judgmental.

. . .

"Again! Faster," Devon yelled, commanding. He looks much more intimidating when he's like this. Nevertheless, I did as instructed. "Good, keep going," said Devon as he acknowledged my achievement, currently improving on my stance and form. "Now, come at me," he instructed, giving him a swift nod, attempting the task given. I failed, thanks to my distraction.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw movement, or I thought I did. It was too quick for me to properly distinguish Devon, seeing my move, counter-attacked, blocking each one of my attacks at lightning speed. And when my focus slacked, he took the opportunity. Next thing I knew, I was inches from the floor. I gulped, any closer and my face would have made contact with the floor.

After that, Devon gave me some pointers. According to him, if I keep it up, I'll be stronger than their top royal guard. The thought made me happy, of course.

That was intense. I sighed, getting out of the bathroom, towels firmly wrapped around me. I know I said I wanted to train hard, but today was a lot. You would think I was in some sort of boot camp for werewolves. It's beyond insane. My body is aching, although the bath seemed to have eased a bit.

As I was being dressed, a chill made its way down my back. The feeling was strangely familiar. I could feel my obtained tugging at the memory, trying to pull it into focus. It clicked, the feeling I was previously feeling this morning. The same creepy cold chill that ran down my spine and the sense of eyes watching me later on, that I swiftly brushed away as my imagination. I knew I shouldn't have ignored it, I should have trusted my instincts.

Before I could make heads of the situation, cold hands clenched around my arm, holding me tightly against a body. Instinct kicked in as I squirmed in his hold, trying to free myself from the iron grip, to no avail. The seriousness of the situation as it finally sinks in. In my panic, I screamed, big mistake.

Next thing I knew, my vision became blurry as he injected something into me. The pain was brief, as my body became numb, my eyelids heavy, and just before I succumbed into darkness, its weight too strong to keep at bay. Zander's breathtaking face danced in front of my eyes. "Zander," I whispered, drifting into nothingness, a dark abyss.

Zander POV

After the excruciating long meeting, I made my way to my room, my body aching from sitting so long. As I entered my room, though, I got a weird sense, like someone had been in there. Sniffing the air, I got a whiff of decayed flesh, faint but still there.

Realization hit me like a ton of bricks without a second thought. I rushed out of there, heading towards Sirena's room. Something tells me I was too late. I picked up a vase and threw it at the wall in frustration, taking my anger out on it. The vase made an impact with the wall, shattering into pieces. The sound of breaking glass bounced throughout the room.

How the hell did they get in here undetected? I groaned in frustration, angry at myself for allowing this to happen. "What the hell, Zander, what did that vase ever do to you?" Cassie asked, barging into the room.

"Shut up, Cassie," I snapped, unable to control my anger. The outburst was uncalled-for. A look of hurt crossed Cassie's face. Just as the word came, I instantly regretted it. "I'm sorry, Cassie," I apologized, reaching out to her. She recoiled from me.

"When you're ready to talk calmly, you know where to find me," replied Cassie, uneasily calm, as she turned on her heels, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Now I've done it.

I am beyond pissed. Sirena is missing, and Goddess knows where she is right now. To top it off, Cassie is pissed with me. I need a run to clear my head, then it's business from here on onward. I will find you Sirena, if that's the last thing I do.

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