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Chapter Twenty Nine – Visions

Sirena's POV

I came too, this time the lights were dimmed. Not again, I groaned, irritated. Luna, you're awake. The woman from before rushed over, now in my line of vision. I thought we lost you, thank goddess, you're alright, she sighs. What happened, I asked.

"Well, you suddenly fainted," she replied. Propping myself up, I asked, "How long have I been out for?" Noticing the full moon through the window, its silver glow calming me. Almost a whole day. We found you outside our border, and took you in. Technically, you're supposed to be in the cells but since you were injured, I thought it's best to place you in one of our guest rooms, she explained.

I took it all in. "I do remember that happening, along with waking up here," I added. "Can I ask you something," I asked. "Sure, go ahead," she replied.

"Before I...um...you know, fainted, we were discussing something," I asked, fumbling with the sheets. "Could you, please, finish the discussion," I added. "Sure, what do you want to know," she asked.

She spent the time feeling me in, by the time I was all filled in the sun was rising. I sigh, Does Zander know I'm here?'' I asked Mia. Mia is the head maid in this pack, an omega. She's really nice, I like her. Anyway, back on topic.

"Well, not exactly," she trailed off. "What do you mean?'' I asked. "He's not available at the moment, like I mentioned before he's out booking for you," said Mia "Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning that," I replied. "The Beta is notified, though he should be able to reach him," she replied reassuringly.

I wasn't sure if that was reassuring or not. After all, I couldn't remember who they were. "Mhmm, so..." I trailed, looking around the room, "Why am I here and not in the park hospital," I asked. "No reason really, I just thought you would be more comfortable here, that's all," she shrugged.

"Okay-y." The room was filled with silence, I didn't know what else to say, it was getting awkward. "I'll leave you be, if you need anything just let me know," said Mia, getting up to leave. I thanked her, as she left the room. I really appreciate all she done for me, I'm thankful

What am I supposed to do now, I sigh as I flop back onto the bed.


Zander's POV

Another day and still nothing, no clues, scents, or hints as to where she could be. Absolutely nothing, but dead ends every bloody time. Nightfall has fallen, and the moon shines bright, lending me her strength.

"Alpha, we camp for the night," one of my soldiers addressed me."Yeah, you're right. It's best we retire for the night. We'll head home at sunrise sharp," I replied. While the others retire for the night, some staying up to patrol, I glanced at the star-covered night, wondering if Sirena is staring at the same night. I'll find you soon, my love. Just hold on for me, I whispered into the night sky, the wind carrying my promise filled words.


I woke up with a start, drenched in sweat, I surveyed my surroundings on high e=alert. When I found nothing, I relaxed a bit. "Just a nightmare," I sigh in relief. It felt so real, though, so vivid and clear. My body shivered with intensity. That was no nightmare," replied my wolf. What was it then," I asked pensively, not liking what I saw. "That was a vision," my wolf added. I was confused, I've never had a vision before, why am I having one now, I thought. "It might have something to do with Sirena," replied my wolf. "Sirena,'' I replied in shock, not expecting the answer he gave. If I wasn't worried already, I was worried now. If the vision is anything to go by, Sirena could be in danger.

Sirena's POV

I found myself surrounded by darkness. I don't know how I got here, but I want to leave. I'm getting a weird sensation, something isn't right. Just as those thoughts crossed my mind, dark red eyes stared at me, fear filled my mind. "Please, don't hurt me," I begged, scared for my life.

His only response was a crude thunder of a laugh that shook me to the core. Goosebumps appeared on my arm and shivers ran down my spine. The urge to run is so strong, but my body refuses to move, frozen in place. "What's going on, somebody help me," I cried out, my voice shaky, as it echoed in the vast emptiness, taunting me as if saying 'no one is coming for you' over and over again.

I cowered in fear, unable to run to safety, the red eyes taunting me along with the now fading echoes. As if things weren't bad enough, something emerge from the darkness.

A foul smell wafted into the air, the stench so awful, the urge to puke overcame me. I held my hand over my mouth, trying not to empty out my guts. At first, it was nothing but a brown glop, slowly it emerged, forming itself into a figure. What stood before me was...

I don't know what it was, but the smell that was emanating from it was so intense, I felt light-headed. The thing took a step towards me, its red eyes now glowing. Sludge of rotting flesh were falling off of him as he advanced closer towards me, his movements sluggish and zombie-like. I willed my leg to move, putting every ounce of strength I had into it.

I sighed in relief when I found movement again, I took a step backwards, cautiously trying not to alert it to my movements. It comes close to contorting its face. Rows and rows of razor sharp teeth appeared on his melting, slimy face. As he advances closer and closer, his mouth opens wider and wider until I can see, deep within them, more rays of razor sharp teeth.

I gulped in fear, wishing upon anyone who would hear. I really didn't want to die here, all alone in the dark with this thing. As it approached me, his mouth as wide as football rows of teeth in full display, a black tongue protruded out, saliva dripping from it. I gagged. "Oh Goddess no, please no." I pleaded to no one in particular. As the thing's tongue reached out towards me, I let out an earth-shattering scream...

I jolted awake, drenched in cold sweat. I surveyed my surroundings, making sure nothing was lurking in the dark. I was on edge, for now nothing was there, but the nightmare left me feeling uneasy. It felt all too real.  

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