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Chapter Thirty Seven – Gone Rogue, now a Spy

Before Sirena's abduction

Ellie's POV

I was surprised when the prison door opened up, not expecting it. "You can go," informed one of the guards. I stepped out of the caged, tentatively. The guard didn't even seem bothered. I glared at him while another guard, positioned outside the cell room, joined me. "I'll be escorting you out. Your brother wishes to speak with you," said the second guard.

I frowned, I'm I being freed. I voiced my thoughts out. The guard narrowed his eyes at me. "You're lucky your brother is a Beta, you got off easy," he all but spat out.

I stayed silent, and he did say anything else. As he escorted me through, his grip on my arm firm, I got to plotting. Sirena will regret the day she joined the pack.

Devon's POV

The news of Sirena's abduction has left us all with a heavy heart. Zander is taking it harder than anyone else. Not only because they're mates, but as Alpha he ensures the protection of the pack and for one of our own to be taken under our nose twice. It leaves a bad taste on the mouth. It was going to be hard on the pack, especially on Zander.

Probably best we alert the pack, I said. We were currently in a meeting, discussing the best course of action. They need to know what they are up against. It would improve our defences.

"You're right, Devon," replied Zander. It's probably best to do it as soon as possible. There was a buzz in the air, as packed members were whispering among themselves, most likely wondering why they were gathered at the grand hall. Unfortunately, it's not good news. Zander raised his hand, silencing the crowd. I know you are all wondering why you're all here today, Zander's strong voice carried across the room.

Unfortunately, it's not good news. Prior to the rogue attack, an unpleasant encounter I'm sure, things have been rocky. We are not sure who is behind it and what they want, but what we know for sure is that your Luna is in danger. Gasps could be heard throughout the hall. There was an uproar.

It's important you stay alert and report any suspicious activity or if anything seems out of place. Patrols would be tightened.

I glanced at my mate, a worried look on her face for her friend. Cassie and Sirena have grown really close over the past couple of days. It's bound to affect her, seeing my mate like this hurts. The only thing I can do for her is there, while we do what we can in our power to find her.

I will do everything in my power to save her. Sirena is like a sister to me, and she's mated to my best friend. If anything happens to her. Just the thought, it's unbearable, I could only imagine what Zander is going through right now. We'll find her. We have to. I don't know what he'll do without her. Or become.

Ellie's POV

I smiled inwardly as the news of Sirena's abduction was announced. I was giddy at the thought of finally having Zander to myself. All that's left is for me to make him fall for me and forget that mutt of a she-wolf.

Devon made his way toward me, where I stood, a smug look on my face, that I quickly got rid of. I didn't want him to know what I was up to. He'll be really mad if he were to find out that I had any involvement in Sirena's abduction. "Remember what we discussed," eyes narrowed at me. I rolled my eyes in respond, remembering the discussion, more like lecturing, he gave when he managed to get me released from the cells. "Yeah, whatever." it some convincing on my part to let off lightly. You need to keep your head down and stay out of trouble," Devon lowly hissed.

"Yeah, I get it," I snapped in irritation. "Good," giving me a hard stare and left to join Zander. Probably to discuss how to get that mutt back. I'll have to think fast before it's too late.


I screamed in frustration, picking a random object and threw at the wall in anger. Why isn't any of y advances working. I've tried everything and nothing seems to be working at this rate ill lose him forever and that mutt will clam him. Just then, a despicable thought crossed my mind. Don't do it, implored my wolf. He'll, never forgive you. Neither would Devon. You'll be banished or worst killed. I ignored her, not wanting to hear whatever it is she's got to say. Nothing will get in my way at claiming what's mine, not even my wolf.

So I got to planning, if everything goes as planned she'll be dead long before she's found. And when Zander is grieving his mate, I'll be there by his side. Eventually he'll fall for me and ill have what's mine. The first step of my plan is to make sure that after her capture is done with her, ill kill her with my very hands, watching her fear and she begged for her life.

Then ill give away any information about the back they needed to stay in their good graces, and they take their fight to the next level, ambushing Zander's pack. I wasn't too worried, knowing full well they'll come out of it victories, especially as the news of his mate's death reaches him. By then it would be too late. Zander would go into a rampage killing the enemy with no difficulties, bring the war to an abrupt halt.

I marvel at my cunning plan, cleaning up any loose ends. I'll have what is righteously mine. 

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