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Chapter Thirty Six – Frenzy

After the Ceremony

Zander's POV

"How is she, Doc," I asked, pacing the length of the hospital room. "Alpha, I need you to calm down, okay," replied Lisa, the pack doctor. "I can't help but worry. I can't," I shouted, unable to keep under control. Furthermore, I took a deep breath in, "I'm sorry Lisa, I – I didn't mean to shout at you, I'm just worried." Lisa smiled at me reassuringly. I know, but there's nothing for you to worry about. She just had a small panic attack, she'll be alright.

I sigh in relief. "I knew there was a possibility it was nothing major, but I couldn't help but worry. She's been through a lot, maybe it's all catching up to her. I gleaned over Sirena lay in the hospital, peaceful. She looked so beautiful, I felt my world stand still. "It's absolutely normal to be worried and protective, after all she's your mate," Lisa replied. "I do advise she takes things easy when she awakens," Lisa finished. "Will do, Doc," I replied. Lisa let out a chuckle before heading out.

Pulling over a chair, placed it by her side. I took her hand into mine. Sparks flew, indicating everything would be okay. She'll be okay.


Unknown POV

"Hey boss," I was interrupted by one of my top spies, Clayton. "What is it? There better be a good reason as to why you are interrupting me," I asked, aggravated. Clayton, made his way into the makeshift office. "Guess what I found out," Clayton asked. "What," I asked, irritated. I found out that Ophelia girl who you're so fond of had a child," he trailed off. "And," I drew out, sensing there was more.

"She's the next line as Alpha of The Scarlet Moon Pack. Kayden's kid. And there's more. She's the girl in that prophecy you keep droning on about." I couldn't believe my ears. "You're sure about this," I asked, sceptical. "Positive boss, I too was shocked when I found out, but it's true. " This is great, I thought. I can finally get what I wanted, Revenge and ultimate power. After all these years.

"Umm boss, that could be a problem." I glared at him, "how so," I hissed. "Well, we're not the only one who is pining for the girl and the power she holds." I groaned out in irritation. "Who else knows about this I ordered." Clayton shuffled embarrassed. "Well..." I urged. "The Alpha Rouge, sir."

"THE ALPHA ROGUE,'' I bellowed, knocking the stack of papers all over, losing patience. The spy gulped nervously. "How am I going to get past this, huh, Clayton. TELL ME."

"I-I don't know, sir, bu-but I'm s-sure you'll come up with something. You always do." I took in a deep breath, composing myself. "You're right. Sorry, I don't know what came over me." I started pacing. This isn't good. I wonder what use he has with the girl.

"I heard that he had her in his possession at one point, but she escaped when he was off on business, whatever that is." I stared at Clayton. "Is that so."

"Yup, that's how I found out who the girl is and about the prophecy."

We need to think fast. "Clayton," I called. "Sir."

"Find the Rogue Alpha, then bring him here. We have business to discuss."

"On it, boss."

Ellie's POV

"You can't leave me here," I screamed. "Please, Devon, I pleaded, don't let them leave me here," I pleaded to my brother. Devon looked away. "I'm sorry. You crossed a line." He then informed the warriors of the situation, and left without saying anything more.

"That entitled b***h thinks she can take what's mine, I'll show her he'll rue the day she stepped into this pack. Zander deserves more than that wrench of a mate."



"Who said that," "Psst..." There it is again. "Over here," the voice said. I searched for it. My eyes lay on a beaten up rogue. The stench emitting from this guy is revolting, I couldn't help but curl in disgust.

"What do you want," I asked in disgust. "My name is Carlson, at your service," he bowed. This dude is giving me the creeps. "What do you want," I asked again?

"You want revenge, don't you." I narrowed my eyes on him. "Yeah, and..." I was sceptical, not sure if I should trust him.

"Well, I know how," he whispered. "How," I asked, intrigued. "You see, my boss has been looking to take the Luna for himself." I looked at him quizzically. "Why, what does he want with her? She's nothing." I was increasingly getting irritated. Why is everything about her, I don't get it. She's nothing special, I thought.

The rogue guy shrugged. "Didn't say." I ponder on it. "What do you get out of it," I asked. "If you help me escape and manage to take the Luna, not only will I be a free man again, I'll be respected and taken seriously." The rogue replied, a glint in his eye. Something in his eyes sparked something in me.

"Okay," I agreed. Watch your back, I'll finally have what's mine.

Zander's POV

"Ugh!" I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. I'm not getting anywhere, here, I said to know one in particular.

Not only that, but I was having a hard time concentrating today, my mind was all over the place. Yesterday's fiasco didn't help either. Trouble just seems to follow us wherever we go.

Furthermore, Thunder has been acting weird. I tried reaching out to him to no avail. Travelling to the depths of my mind, silent. I sigh, "I can't work at this state," mumbling to myself. I decided to abandon ship for the time being, not getting anywhere with work, and see what Sirena's been up to.

After last night, my wolf and I have been extra protective of Sirena, and understandably so. We are mates after all, it's natural for me to feel this way, that being said, I try my best not to suffocate her with my love or behaviour. But it's hard, especially as an Alpha. That never ends well.

I pushed the door open expecting to find Sirena soundly asleep but instead was met with a cold empty room. I listened for her, maybe she'd been in the bathroom I thought, but it was silent.

Furthermore, I sniffed for her scent, a sense of uneasiness taking over. Something isn't right, I can feel it. I was now more alert and hasty in my search. I managed to pick her scent, but they were fading, barely there.

A sudden breeze gushed into the room, grabbing my attention. No, she wouldn't, I thought as the worst played in my mind. I ran towards the window. Sighing in relief, no dead body, that's good. But that doesn't... I trailed off, not wanting to think the worst.

Mindlinking Devon, I rushed out the room, my heart in my mouth, the urgency in my voice apparent, catching his immediate attention. "Sirena's in trouble, I need you to get as much guard as you can. We need to find her, now." I didn't elaborate further, and I didn't have to, Devon got to work, no question asked, and that's why I made him my Beta.

Devon approached me, the look on his face spoke volumes. "No," I whispered. "Sorry, Alpha, we couldn't find her," confirming my thoughts. This can't be happening again. Hot red rage coarse through me, fuelling my blood, I was seeing red. Unable to control the urge, to hit something, I let it all out, as my fist came into contact with the wall, hard. The sound of bones breaking, along with the tremble of the wall as it gives way, sounded throughout the room. Bits of debris cascading to the ground mixed with my blood.

The pain didn't even register. It was nothing compared to the heart-wrenching pain I was feeling right now. The loss of my mate.

I failed her again.

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