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Chapter Thirty Four – Letter

Sirena's POV

I stared at the box. The very one we found yesterday in The Scarlet Moon Pack library. Throughout the whole day I felt a connection, a pull towards the box, albeit subtle. I reached for it and just like before it started to glow. This time though there was a whisper, faint at first, barely audible.

Gradually it grew, "Who's there," I called out. There was no response. The room was silent, again. I waited with bated breath, not daring to move a muscle. Maybe it's in my head. You're overthinking, again, Sirena, I thought to myself. Just as I was about to relax, the whisper came again, this time much clearer but still a whisper.

"Sirena... Sirena..."

The whisper called out. Whoever, whatever this thing is, it seems to know my name. How, I don't know. The voice repeats itself, almost chanting like. The voice persuasive, pulling me into a trance. The whispers then proceed to chant what appears to be a spell.

'To unveil what's within

I cast upon thee

O sprite of device one

Cast your Thunder light upon

As I succumb to your will

I command thee

Let the unseen be shown'

The voice soothing as it repeated itself...

"Sirena, Sirena." I could feel someone shaking me, but who. The voice was grainy as if from a distance, "Sirena, love. I need you to come back to me." There's the voice again. It sounded familiar. I tried to clear my mind, and figure out who it was, where it was coming from, but the intensity left me feeling light-headed.

"Focus," the voice sharp and urgent echoed in my mind, forcing me back into the spell, like an outstretched elastic band upon release.

Zander's POV


Is everything alright? My wolf has been fidgety the past couple minutes, whining and pacing in my mind. When I couldn't take it any more, I set aside the paperwork I was currency attending. What's got you all worked up," I asked. "Something isn't right," came my wolf, his voice strained. Noticing this, I was on full alert. "What is it," I asked, concerned.

"It's Sirena," replied my wolf. If I wasn't on full alert before, I was now. "What about Sirena, is she alright," I asked in panic. I can't tell, I'm unable to pinpoint the problem exactly. Hearing this, I flung off the chair, and rushed out of there so fast I'll put any vampire to shame.

"Sirena," I burst through the door, almost taking the hinges off, not waiting for a response. For all I know, she could be injured. "This won't be an issue if we were mated or at the very least connected to the pack," Thunder butted in. "Not now, Thunder," I replied irritatedly.

I was met with Sirena on the floor, the box, currently glowing, placed in front of her. Sirena didn't make any indication that she noticed I was there. She was as still as a statue. Taking long strides, I reached her in seconds, still nothing. I crochet down, placing both hands on her sounders, still nothing. "Something's not right," I mumbled, scared.

A sudden burst of light appeared, engulfing Sirena in its Thunder glow. "Do you hear that," asked Thunder, "What," I asked? "Listen," he replied. I did just that, the sound was faint, barely audible. Sirena was whispering something, I couldn't make out the words. What do you think she's saying, I asked, sounds like a spell, maybe that's it?

I watched as she reached for the box. In a trance, her eyes transfixed, I watched with bated breath as her finger light touched the box. Upon contact, the box sprang open. I looked wide-eyed. Inside the box laid what looked to be treasured items a mother held dear. Sirena has stopped whispering, and the glow is now a subtle dim.

"What happened?"

Sirena's POV

I came too, in a daze, "What happened," I asked not expecting a response. "Sirena, thank the Goddess, you're alright." I was suddenly engulfed in a tight hug. I stared on in confusion, still in a daze. Withdrawing from the hug, the person came into focus. Zander, I whispered. Zander had a look of relief etched on his face, deepening my confusion. What happened, I asked again, my mind still a fog.

Zander sat back, now crossed legged, in front of me. The box positioned between us. I tilted my head to the side, noticing the now open box. When did the box open, better yet how. Noticing my curious expression, Zander filled me in. Turns out Zander found me in a trance whispering some sort of spell, engulfed by a Thunder light. Whatever, I chanted, opened the box, which was filled with my mother's things.

I reached into the box, my body filling with the now familiar tingles. Inside were pictures of my parents, one in particular caught my eye. Two young looking couples started loving each other. "Mom... Dad," I whispered. "That's him alright, Alpha Kayden, your father and what I'm assuming is your mother," confirmed Zander, glancing at the picture in my hands.

My parents... they look so happy and in love. It's nice being able to place a face to the names that are my parents. "The resemblance is striking," Zander suddenly replied. "Huh," I replied, thrown. Zander pointed to my mother, repeating himself. "The resemblance is striking. "You both share the same fiery red hair and pale complexions. It's uncanny."

"Yeah..." tracing my thumb down her profile, imagining her soft skin against mine.

I went to place the letter back into the box, when Zander stopped me mid-track. "Huh". There seems to be something tucked behind the frame, replied Zander. Turning the frame around , Xaver pointed out where a folded piece of paper fluttered to the ground.

Slowly, I unfolded the paper, revealing a message...

To my loving and precious daughter,

If you are reading this, it's because something terrible has happened. I'm so sorry I was unable to see you grow and help you when you require it the most, or help you navigate through your powers. Yes, you have powers, if you haven't already found out. This is a gift from your loving mother to you. Remember, I have and will always love you.


Droplets of water splattered on the paper leaving a wet mark, not realizing I was crying. The tears were unexpected, but overdue. I wiped at my cheeks, but the tears just kept coming, now a stream of tears.

Gently, I folded the letter, stuffing it in my pocket. All of this is a lot. I completely broke down, then and there. Everything I've been feeling came flooding out. Zander, being Zander, gathered me in his string hold, as I cried, blubbering away.

"None of this," I said, waving my hand around adding emphasis on my words, "isn't making any sense. The closer I get to finding out who I am, and getting answers to all my questions, something pops up from thin air, and I'm further away again. A repeating circle, It's all too much, I gritted out beyond frustrated.

Zander's hold tightened around me. "It's okay, love, let it all out. Everything will be alright. I'm here, and we'll figure this out together," he whispered in my hair, placing a kiss there. I love it when he does that. Immediately, I felt much calmer. His presence soothing me and putting me at ease, as the weight on my shoulders lifted.

"Yeah, you're right," taking a breath in. You're stronger than you think, and together we'll get through anything. You don't have to do any of this alone. Tata what I'm here for, o please lean on me whenever. "I can do it," I said determinedly, a reminder to myself. "I know you can," replied Zander. "Thanks, Zander, I really needed that." It was nice to get it all off my chest, but there was more I wanted to ask but wasn't sure if I should. But I'll leave it for now.

"What do you think of officially announcing yourself as the Luna to the pack, but only if you're ready." Zander asked, changing the subject? "I'll like that," I smiled. "You sure," he asked. Positive

One step at a time...

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