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Before her rescue

Sirena's POV

"Ellie," I stared, taken aback. What the hell is she doing here? I gawked at her, dumbfounded. "What... what are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm taking everything from you," an evil smile gracing her lips. A flash of hatred in her eyes. It dawned on me then. It all made sense. She had a play in everything. All because she wanted my mate, to be Luna.

"It was you all along. You were helping them, weren't you?" I bit out between gritted teeth. "Bravo, the medal goes to you, taunting me, knowing full well I'm in no position to do anything. I snarled. What do you want now, you can easily take him away from me?" it hurts to say does words. Not yet, first I have to kill you, and everything that was once yours will be mine.

"No," I whispered," scared for my life. I didn't want to go before I got the chance to see Zander again. To say goodbye.

Ellie advanced towards me, once reaching me, she crouched down to get to my level, an evil look in her eye. "Bye, bye" she whispered as a silvery glint caught my eye. A needle. It was too late, the sharp object made contact with my skin as she vigorously stabbed it into me. The cold, hot pain coursing through my veins, as my body instinctively fights through it. "Your... nothing bit... pure evil," I spat, jerking violently. "You... you will... never find love... never." She only smirked. We'll see about that.

I watched from the corner of my eyes as she left me behind, an image of Zander appearing in front of me. "I am so sorry," I whispered. I could feel myself slipping away, my heart working on over drive.

Present time

"Rina," someone called out. I couldn't figure out who it was. "Rina." The voice sounded closer this time. Something, or someone, touched me, leaving tingles in its wake. Zander. "Rina, stay with me. I need you to stay with me, love."

"Zander," I choked out, barely able to talk. "Shh, love. Don't talk." I could vaguely hear Zander barking orders. I didn't want to leave him behind before saying my goodbyes. "Zander," my voice a mere whisper. "I'm... so sorry," I continued between forced breaths. "Don't talk like that, love. This isn't goodbye. We'll get you home. You'll be fine, I promise." I smiled lovingly at him, saddened to say goodbye.

"I love you forever and always," I whispered as I slowly drifted into darkness.


Wake up. Wake up.

The distant sound of a voice reaching me. My eyes flutter open.

I have bad news, I whispered, not wanting to reveal the ugly truth. "It's okay, love, we know." I stared at Zander, "you do." I asked, partially surprised and partially confused. "How."

I was there after she poisoned you with a high dose of wolfbane. I wasn't able to stop her in time, his voice laced with regret. "It's not your fault Zander, i don't blame you for any of it," I reassured. Well, you should. What kind of mate... Alpha, who is incapable of protecting his mate.


"Mom," I replied in shock. "But...but how?" I stared, flabbergasted. I couldn't believe my eyes. That's your mum, all right, my wolf replied, I'm getting a mother's connection oozing out of her.

"My dear Sirena," Mom walked towards me, hand wide open. Tears welled in my eyes, as emotions overwhelmed me. "Mum," I cried, running towards her outstretched hands as she engulfed me in her warm embrace. I cried into her shoulder as she whispered sweet nothing into my ears.

"I thought you were dead," I said, my voice muffled. Mother stroked my head lovingly, "Oh my sweet child."

"So um, mum, how are you here right now?" I asked curiously. I thought we were meant to be dead, not that I'm not glad you're alive and here. I'm just curious as to how you're here, in front of me, very much alive," I babbled.

There's so much I wanted to know, I don't know where to start. There has been one pending question that keeps coming up. That would be a good place to start, said Luna.

I'm so happy you're here mum, especially now that my powers are developing

I stared at mom weirdly, "are you really here?" I whispered, unsure if I'm imagining everything. Yes, I am. I know it all remains so surreal. You have no idea how long I've been looking for you, love. I frowned in confusion. "I thought you were dead, they found your body," I blurted out. A look of distraught crossed her face. I immediately regret blurting it out. "I'm- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spring it on you like that."

"It's alright love, I know," she smiled at me reassuringly, covering the pained look on her face. I could still see a hint of it in her eyes. My stomach lurched, as guilt filled me. 

"Have you been experiencing anything different?" A small smile gracing her lips. Like it never happened. 

Not wanting to add to the strenuous atmosphere, i bite. Different how," I asked, puzzled.

"Come to think of it..." Zander looked serious for a moment. "What is it?" I asked. Everyone in the room's attention was focused on Zander. The mood shifted. "Well, it's probably nothing, but when we visited the Scarlet Moon Pack, your neck was glowing. I can't remember why or how, but it started glowing, a dull blue hue." I stared at him, flabbergasted. Why am I hearing of this now, he could have told me.

Maybe he had a reason, my wolf chipped in. voice your opinion to him, before getting ahead of things. He's your mate, you should trust him.

I turned to Zander, "you didn't think to tell me," I asked, slightly irritated. "I didn't know what to say or even think about it. I'm sorry baby, I know I should have informed you earlier. I was wrong." Zander looked genuinely guilty and apologetic. I sigh, I couldn't stay mad at him for long, even if I tried. His protectiveness is a wonderful trait to have. Although, it can be annoying at times. I sigh, knowing he did what he thought was right. 

"You are forgiven," i mumbled. Xavier placed a gentle kiss on my temple in gratitude. 

Xavier, you'll be the death of me. 

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