[18] Baking and Food Fights

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Awwww Tadashi and Hiro have cute matching Baymax hoodies :3 I ship it! Haha just kidding uwu This is going to be a short one shot because I have lots of things to make! Like an upcoming fan fiction! - ChinitaPlease

Both you and Tadashi are bored. So the two of you decide to cook and bake random thing with the ingredients the two of you can find in the pantry and the cabinets.

"How many things can we make with these stuff?" You asked, looking at all of the delicious ingredients the two of you are currently using.

"Apparently a lot!" Tadashi smiles at you, flipping through the cook book (almost put textbook xD)

~Skipping to 30 minutes later, brought to you buy Baymax dressing like Tadashi~

"Okay! We made a Baymax cake and bacon pork burgers! Oh my gosh I can't wait to eat these!" You exclaimed, eyeing the bacon pork burger hungrily.

"I know right? These smell amazing also! Gosh I'm getting hungry!" Tadashi said, feeling his stomach rumble.

"Okay! Lets make one more food then we can eat all of these food! They look appetizing." You grinned, the two of you began to cook and bake once again.

That's when Tadashi turned around, accidentally flicking powdered sugar in your face. Tadashi froze and stared at you, wide eyes and his mouth agape.

"I'm so sorry, [Y/N]! I didn't mean to do it!" Tadashi said, wiping the powdered sugar from your face. You then grabbed a handful of flour and smile at Tadashi innocently.

Oh no.

Your fake cute and innocent smile that hides all of the evil in the world. You're going to get him back for sure. Like now!

You flicked flour at Tadashi's face and smile at him, Tadashi scrunched his face before he sneezed. You laughed and Tadashi laughed.

Before the two of you know it, the two of you began throwing food at each other. Even the poor Baymax cake was destroyed and thrown around by the two of you.

Now the kitchen was a mess! But luckily, Aunt Cass left around you and Tadashi began cooking food! Aunt Cass took Mochi to the vet for him to get shots.

Poor Mochi! He hates shots and now he's getting something he clearly doesn't like at all!

Now it was time for Tadashi to chase you around the house, you screamed and dodged many objects that's in your way.

You're so close to getting alway with it! But sadly Tadashi's athletic and fast while you're struggling to run for barely 2 minutes.

Tadashi wrapped his arms around your waist and presses his lips against yours. You closed your eyes and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders.

That's when the two of you heard the door opening and closing from the Café. You broke the kiss and stared at Tadashi with wide eyes.

"Aunt Cass is home!" You two of you said in unison before scrambling off to clean the kitchen as fast as the two of you can clean the kitchen.

Luckily Hiro was distracting Aunt Cass while you and Tadashi frantically clean the whole kitchen.

Did the two of you get in trouble by Aunt Cass?


But guess what? Aunt Cass was glad that the two of you cleaned the kitchen way before she was able to clean the kitchen.

Basically both you and Tadashi did Aunt Cass' chores for her! Though, the two of you did get banned from being in the kitchen. Bummer.

UPDATED!!!! :D yes finally updated! This one shot is basically rushed because I have a lot of things planned and I also have school tomorrow ;-; anyways! I'll try to make one shots ASAP :) -ChinitaPlease

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