[26] Salon/Spa Day with Tadashi (filler)

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Sorry for not updating in months, everyone ㅠㅠ school has begun for me, I'm taking advanced classes which means I'm busy, I'm getting homework daily and I won't be able to update as much as I want. - ChinitaPlease

This was probably the most embarrassing thing Tadashi had to do. Well, he does it because he loves you and because he was the one that decide to take you to a salon/spa... And go with you, of course.

Great. Real smart, Tadashi Hamada. Reallllllll smart.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to go." You said, as the lady gave you a facial, Tadashi shook his head.

"No no, I'm okay with this and I want to do this with you, [Y/N]." Tadashi says, letting the lady give him a green tea facial.

"What kind of facial are you doing?" Tadashi asks, looking at you at the corner of his eyes, watching the lady apply something black on your face.

"It's a charcoal facial, it's a deep cleansing and clears out my pores and black heads... Basically anything that's dirt in my pores!" You reply, trying your best not to move your face a slightest.

"Oh, what does the green tea facial do?" Tadashu murmurs, you thought for a moment before responding to him.

"It flushes out the dirt in your pores also, and it also prevents blackheads and acne from forming.... Unless that's the apricots facial..." You mumbled, feeling a cool breeze brushing against your face.

"I feel like I'm having a guacamole facial." Tadashi mumbled, you stifled a laughter and look at him with the corners of your eyes.

"Maybe it's both? But I think they're different, I don't know. I've never been to a spa or salon before." You mumbled Tadashi tried his best bit to grin.

"Well since we're spending time together at the spa, lets go to a sauna together!" Tadashi suggests, looking at you with a certain glint in his eyes.

"Ooh.... Sounds like a great idea." You smirked at him, Tadashi reached his hands out and held your hands, gently rubbing your knuckles with his thumb.

I know, this one shot is short, but this is a filler one shot. I'm going to try to make a longer one shot soon, if I don't have homework at all. - ChinitaPlease

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