[20] Baby Hiro

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Sorry I haven't update in a week or two ._. I'm pretty busy with school at this moment and I need to bring my grades up >.< Isn't the picture cute? :3 Enjoy this one shots everyone! :)) - ChinitaPlease

You cradled the little Hamada in your arms, watching Hiro cooed and look at you with that cute innocent smile on his face.

"Oh, Hiro! You're so pure and innocent." You smile, Hiro giggles cutely, holding his hands up and began squeezing your cheeks and playing with your hair.

"And yet, he's also evil and devious." Tadashi spoke up, he leaned against the door frame and smiled at you. You playfully scoffed and roll your eyes.

Tadashi walked towards both you and Hiro and wrapped his arms around your waist.

Tadashi laid his chin on your shoulder and looked down at his little brother and smile.

"Hey there little buddy! I see you're stealing my girlfriend away from me." Tadashi teased, gently pinching Hiro's pudgy cheeks.

"Oh shush!" You say playfully, kissing Tadashi's cheeks and nuzzling your nose against Tadashi's cheeks.

Tadashi grins at you and plants a huge kiss on the crook of your neck, you squeaked and flinched.

You're ticklish! Especially when it comes to your neck. Tadashi knew that, because he always love to give you neck kisses.

"N-no!" Hiro spoke up, his cute voice catching both yours and Tadashi's attention. Hiro have a tiny pout on his face, shaking his head at the sight he doesn't like.

"What is it, Hiro?" You cooed, tapping his cute button nose. Hiro blushes and grabs your finger, gently squeezing your finger with his tiny hands.

"N-no! T-Tada..." Hiro struggles to speak, you giggle and held him closer to you. You plant a kiss on his forehead and look at Tadashi. He was silently laughing the whole time.

"What is it, little buddy?" Tadashi asks, that smile was still on his face, making you look at him suspiciously. Tadashi was up to something alright!

"M-mine! [Y/N]... M-mine! N-no T-Tada..." Hiro mumbles, his cheeks turning into a crimson red, making him look even cuter than he already is.

"Awe! Of course I'm yours, Hiro!" You cooed, nuzzling your nose against Hiro's making his laugh and giggle.

Hiro reached up and hugged your face, cooing happily and nuzzling his face against yours. You couldn't help but squeal at how cute Hiro is.

"But, [Y/N]!!! You're mine! And we're dating! You're not going to leave me for my baby brother, are you?" Tadashi whines, tugging onto your sweater, making you laugh.

"Of course I'm yours, Tadashi! I won't break up with you for your cute and yet adorable baby brother! Don't worry about it, Tadashi." You chuckle, you look at Tadashi and peck his pouty pink lips.

Tadashi's cute pout quickly vanished, replaced with a huge cute smile appeared on his face. He wraps his arms around you and nuzzle his face into your neck.

You giggled and cringed, the ticklish feeling was hitting you harder than the previous ticklish feeling. That moment was interrupted by Hiro's cries and whines.

"Don't cry, Hiro! Don't cry! Don't worry, honey." You comforted the fussing Hiro. He stopped crying and whimpered, his eyes were glossy with tears, his bottom lip was quivering.

"Aw! Hiro, please don't cry! I don like it when you cry!" You sigh, holding the baby close to you. You began to gently rock back and fourth. Putting Hiro to sleep, he lay his head agains your chest and dozed off.

Tadashi lays his chin on your shoulder and smile. He lean over and kiss Hiro's forehead and kissed your jawlines.

"[Y/N] is going to be an amazing mother one day." Tadashi thought, a blush appearing on his cheeks, reaching all the way to the tip of his ears.

UPDATED! ^.^ isn't this one shot adorable!?? I made Hiro so freaking adorable and Tadashi freaking cute when he's jealous also! uwu I don't have school tomorrow! Though I have homework to do ._. More one shots will be made soon ^.^ - ChinitaPlease

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