[30] Mistakes That Sparked The Flame From Within

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Hmmm.. How long has it been since I've last updated? Too long, that's for sure. Last time I updated, it was into the second semester of my senior year wasn't it? Well I have officially graduated from high school (finally) and I will try to post more. If I have ideas, of course. Before you read on, can you guess what the angst one shot could be about? Hmmm... sparks and flames? Could that mean something? Who knows? Enjoy! Also, I find the song that goes well with the story (for the certain part of the story; not spoiling), you don't have to listen to it since it is in Korean :P Any who! Hope you enjoy this (crappy) one shot - ChinitaPlease

WARNING: Angst and possibly crappy.. in my opinion. But with a happy ending c:

You have deep emotional feelings for the adorable genius that created Baymax. Tadashi Hamada, the smartest, the kindest, the most beautiful human being to have ever walked planet Earth. Not only do you have feelings for Tadashi, but you're also super close friends with Tadashi, Tadashi is such a kind soul and a wonderful friend also. Tadashi has the big heart and not only does he have a big heart, but he also wants his little brother to have a bright future and use that big ol' brain of his. 

You thought that your feelings for Tadashi Hamada was well hidden, but boy you were wrong! Apparently, everyone knows about your feelings towards Tadashi, but the only person that doesn't know about it was Tadashi himself. Even though Tadashi was smart and super brainy, he's very oblivious to your feelings. Thankfully! Every time when you make a fool of yourself in front of Tadashi, it'll go unnoticed by him, but the others would watch you internally beat yourself for embarrassing yourself in front of the man that you like.

"So, when are you going to confess to Tadashi?" GoGo asks, blowing a bubble before popping it. You shrugged your shoulders, "Probably never." You answered, sipping on your drink. "Never? You're never going to confess to Tadashi about your feelings?" Honey Lemon asks, you shook your head in response. "Heck no! I can't do that because... what if he rejects me? It would put a dent in our relationship." You said, playing with the straw. "Relationship?" GoGo asks, raising an eyebrow at you. "Friendship! I meant friendship!" You exclaimed, heat rushing to your cheeks.

"Yo! Why is [Y/N]'s face redder than Hiro's shirt?" Fred asks, plopping down on the seat right next to Honey Lemon (I low key ship them, I don't know why). "Is this about you liking my brother?" Hiro asks, sitting down beside you and propped his feet up on the desk. "No!" You squeaked, blood rushing to your cheeks and to the tip of your ears. "This is about [Y/N] not wanting to confess to Tadashi anytime soon because she's scared that it could dent hers and Tadashi's friendship." Honey Lemon says softly. "If she doesn't want to confess to Tadashi, she doesn't have to! No need to pressure her." Wasabi says, shrugging his shoulders.

"What if another girl comes along? It'll be too late." GoGo says bluntly, rolling her eyes. "Oh please, like a girl, who isn't in our friend group, would want to hang out with nerds. We're nerds, Tadashi is a nerd! Who would want to hang out and date a nerd?" Wasabi asks, GoGo automatically pointed at you. "[Y/N] would date Tadashi." GoGo commented. "I meant a girl that doesn't go to SFIT and a girl that isn't in our friend group." Wasabi deadpans, GoGo shrugged her shoulders. "Oh come on! Any girl who sees my brother will automatically think he's cute no matter what school he goes to!" Hiro spoke up, opening his bag of gummy bears and popped it into his mouth.

"See! Which is why you, Miss blush a lot, need to confess to Tadashi now!" GoGo says, poking you from across the table. "I can't!" You said, shaking your head. "You need to do it; sooner or later, a super model of a girl will stroll into our lives and swoop Tadashi away from your grasps forever." GoGo said, leaning back in her seat. "Super model of a girl?" You muttered to yourself, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Alright guys, that's enough break for today! We need to go back to the nerd lab and continue our projects." Wasabi says, getting up from his seat. As the six of you walked towards the lab, you and everyone else spotted Tadashi talking to a girl. A pretty girl. A super model of a girl.

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