[32] We Grew Apart, But I Still Love You {2}

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Due to popular demand (and me wanting to have a happy ending), here is part two! :D Sorry if I sort of left you guys off on a cliff hanger-ish. I had to end it there because I didn't know how else to continue from there on :P but fear not! Here is part two! Also, side note, I suck at writing sequels and part two's. - ChinitaPlease

It's been almost a week since you've met Shiro; Shiro introduced you to his group of friends that are oddly kind of similar to the friend group that you used to hang out with, but they're different from the friends that you used to hang out with. They're hilarious and they're a close knit group. You were happy that they welcomed you to their group warmly, especially Allura. She knew you were a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but you slowly warmed up to them with the help of Allura.

"Do you see [Y/N]'s new friend group?" Fred asks, sitting down at the table where the rest of the gang are sitting. Minus Nana, who was unable to make it due to the amount of work she had to catch up on. "Yea! It's like she's replacing us!" Wasabi exclaims, making the others wince at the volume of his voice. "Her replacing us?" GoGo asks, raising her eyebrow's at Wasabi's accusations. "If you look at it this way, she hasn't hung out with us in a while. She's now hanging out with this group that eerily looked like our group." Hiro commented.

"Don't put the blame on her, Hiro. Ever since we started hanging out with Nana, we stopped inviting [Y/N] to hang out with us, instead, we invited Nana." Honey Lemon spoke up, sighing sadly. "[Y/N] didn't replace us with another friend group, we replaced her with Nana." Honey Lemon states. "Well she broke up with my brother. Tadashi was faithful to [Y/N] and she broke his heart as if it was nothing." Hiro spoke up.

"Hiro, Tadashi's and [Y/N]'s relationship was very strained. If she hadn't broken up with Tadashi, the relationship could get really toxic and possibly even more strained than it already was. So, [Y/N] took it in her own hands and decided to breakup or else the relationship would have torn us all apart." GoGo spoke up, rolling her eyes. "Yea! Plus, we all know how much [Y/N] loves Tadashi. She wouldn't have broken up with Tadashi if Nana hadn't shown up. I mean, did you see how Tadashi looked at Nana?" Fred spoke up. "Wow, I never knew Tadashi would be the type to have their eyes on someone new when he's in a relationship." Wasabi mutters, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Speaking of Tadashi, where is he?" Hiro mutters, looking around the Lucky Cat Cafe for any signs of his brother. "Oh, there he is!" Fred says, pointing at the entrance. Tadashi enters the Lucky Cat Cafe with Nana by his side, holding his hands while giggling. GoGo and Honey Lemon frowned at the scene in front of them. Looks like there's a new couple in the gang. "Tadashi, Nana! We were waiting for you guys." Honey Lemon says. "Where were you guys?" GoGo asks. "We were getting some frozen yogurt." Nana says, smiling happily and leaned against Tadashi.

"I thought you had to catch up on your homework?" GoGo asks, raising her eyebrows at Nana and looked at her skeptically. "Oh, I completed all of those things with Tadashi in my lab." Nana sang, wrapping her arms around Tadashi's waist whilst batting her eyelashes up at him. "So um... are you two.." Hiro trails off, pointing at both Nana and Tadashi before continuing. "... Dating now or something?" Hiro asks slowly. "Ah, I don't really kno-" Nana cuts Tadashi off.

"We kind of are! Well, we're not dating yet, but we're thinking about making it official soon!" Nana says confidently. "Wow, getting into a whole new relationship not too long after a breakup? That's not like you Tadashi." GoGo says coldly, staring Tadashi down. "Oh, he was in a relationship? With whom, may I ask?" Nana asks, letting go of Tadashi. "None of your business Takahashi." GoGo spats. "What? I was just wondering." Nana says, frowning at GoGo.

"So, are you really going to rush into a whole new relationship after your breakup with [Y/N]?" Fred spoke up. "[Y/N]? Is it that one sad girl that I met one time?" Nana asks in a mocking tone, tapping her chin. "Nana, stop." Tadashi says, shaking his head. "What? She was the girl that broke up with you, right? The one that took your heart in her hands and crushed it to a pulp?" Nana asks, flipping her jet black hair off her shoulders.

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