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well, this is awkward.

you'd think after freshman year everything went fine, right?

it didn't.

the start of sophomore year, coach orion offered me my position as captain back as opposed to joining varsity. which, would've looked great to any recruiter, but i stayed after seeing what happened to the team the year before.

charlie blew up at me out of nowhere. he just started ignoring me then snapped. people on the team started picking sides. it was like a whole war zone. coach orion didn't want a team that couldn't get along. so, he ended up literally canceling the whole season.

during that time, none of us talked.

and i mean none of us.

the only people who stuck together were me and aspen and some of the boys talked to each other occasionally.

we all broke off into different groups, with different people, and ended up doing different things. all new friends, all new sports, all new everything.

we got new dorms. me, aspen, and two new girls named abbie and morgan. i remember connie and julie were so upset that we weren't dorming together anymore until they started ditching us to hang out with their new roommates.

obviously bombay and orion were upset to see what was happening. there wasn't much they could do. it was bound to happen from the beginning of the year, and if you couldn't see that you were blind. we were fighting more at practice, couldn't agree on anything, we just couldn't get along.

the best part is that me and adam broke up again, for what seemed like the thousandth time. but this one, this time felt real. i had this feeling that we wouldn't get thrown together again.

the team fell apart, i lost my friends, and my boyfriend.

when you sum it all up it sounds like a really great experience to say the least.


"hey charlie," i jogged up to him after a very stressful practice. everyone fought, everyone yelled, it was bad. "charlie, come on. answer me." i walked in front of him and he glared at me.

"what? what could you possibly want?"

"why are you ignoring me? and you've been acting like a dick. is it because i threatened to suspend you from the first game? that was a joke-"

"yeah," he scoffed sarcastically, and i finally realized what he was mad about.

"listen, i'm sorry i took the captain slot back. i know how much being captain meant to you. obviously, they don't like me as captain, i know that. but there's truly nothing i can do if orion keeps offering." i sighed, watching him get angrier as i spoke.

"oh, i don't know, you could maybe turn the offer down?" his voice raised a little making my jaw clench.

"what if i don't want to? after years of finally being your co-captain, being second to banks, i finally got something good for myself!" i yelled tilting my head to try to get him to look at me.

"oh, please. you were never second to banks. everyone always looked at you on the ice, scarlett, you! so when banks got moved up to varsity and you didn't, how do you think he felt?" charlie pointed at me harshly.

"are you kidding me, charlie? he only moved because i didn't take the offer, i gave that spot to him! and as bitchy as that sounds, it's true. i get that he deserves it, i do. but you have no idea what it felt like being pushed around by everyone because you told them i didn't deserve that captain spot. and it's all repeating itself this year."

"cry me a damn river. you seriously think you were ever second to us? especially after bombay
realized you were his kid. that moved you up on the scale even more." he spat, turning back to me. "and i don't doubt for a minute that he put in a good word for you with orion."

my mouth opened and my eyes watered. i would've never let that get to me. but hearing that come from one of my best friends, one of my first friends, hurt. "wow, that was low charlie. even for you." i nodded and backed away.

he didn't say anything. he just turned around and kept walking. i adjusted my bag on my shoulder and walked back to the dorms.

that was the last day i ever had a proper conversation with charlie.


"we just haven't been to see each other as much lately. i think it's best if we maybe take a break." adam shrugged looking at me. my mouth was opened and i stared at him in disbelief.

"that's what you said last summer and look where that got us! and by the way, we haven't seen each other lately because you haven't been making an effort. this is such a one-sided relationship, it's getting tiring. i am genuinely tired from doing all the work."

"come on, don't say that." he muttered, shaking his head.

"no. you do know that being in a relationship is a two person thing, right? it was supposed to be me and you. me and you since stupid pee wees. we were supposed to put all that middle school shit behind and be me and you. the super duo," i laughed sarcastically. "now you're asking me to take a 'break' because you're too lazy to be a real boyfriend? i mean, i could see if you had some sort of problem, but you just got lazy. jesus, do you know how shitty that makes me feel-"

"that's not why, scarlett, i swear. and i'm sorry you feel like tha-"

"bullshit. that's bullshit, this is bullshit. i'm done with this conversation, i'm done with you. and y'know what? we're not on a break, wanna know why? because i am breaking up with you. not the other way around. i will not let that happen. i will not let you do this to me." i turned around and started walking away.

both of our eyes were watering, trying to hold it in. my lips quivered as i walked away and i heard his heavy breathing. i turned around and faced him again, needing to get my anger out more, "don't talk to me, banks. we're not friends, okay? we're strangers now."

banks? strangers?

adam's heart broke more than he knew it could. that sentence has haunted him for the past two years.

and while scarlett was glad she said it. it had hurt her just as much.



is this good or no🤨
be honest bc i speed wrote this in a depressed state at 2am the other night

this is also just a short dumb preview type thing so yeah

anyway thanks😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣

- 9/13/22

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