not giving up

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the next two days we're filled with scarlett and morgan navigating their way through volleyball tryouts. there were actually so many good people trying out, the coaches ended up cutting three people that were already on the team. being captain and co-captain was not an easy task for them.

right now, scarlett was walking out of the gym. she just finished passing out uniforms and congratulating everybody who made it.

"scarlett?" she heard from behind her. she looked to see her old art teacher from last year.

"hi, mrs. g," scarlett smiled with furrowed brows, confused as to why she was talking to her.

"the dean would like to see you in his office, says it's important." the teacher shrugged before seeing scarlett's face drop. "you're not in trouble, dear, don't worry." she gave her a light tipped smile before walking towards the art room.

"great." scarlett mumbled as she walked up to the deans office.

"miss. anderson, good to see you. sit, please."

scarlett stopped after seeing coach orion stand up from one of the seats in front of the deans desk. funnily enough, she's managed to not run into him these past years either.

"scarlett, i'd like to have a word." he spoke, going to stand next to the desk. she slowly sat down in a seat and looked at him confused.

"coach wilson has retired, i took his spot as head varsity coach. i'd like if you'd come back for this last year to play. you and the whole team."

she almost laughed. in a way, this was sort of his fault. charlie blamed it all on scarlett, scarlett blamed it on everyone, everyone else blamed orion.

"you know we can't do that. remember how we were before the season was cancelled?" he nodded so she continued, "we don't even talk anymore. none of us do. there's no team anymore." she shrugged.

"i think you guys can you it. you've been a team for how long before this? you guys need each other." coach orion spoke strongly. scarlett only shook her head.

"we've been fine for the past two years. listen, i love hockey, i always will. of course i miss it, i miss the team too. but not how we were, how we used to be. we're not getting that back anytime soon." she said like it was nothing, but honestly it was upsetting.

"i need a team, scarlett. you guys are that team." he said sternly. he could see she was not going to budge and he was not giving up either. "you and i both know you could do it."

"i'm sorry." she said genuinely as she stood up. "it's just not going to work." she shrugged before opening the door. "besides we all have sports and clubs going on."

"anderson, come on." he said before she turned around one more time.

"i'm sorry." she smiled sadly before shutting the door.

"i'll just have to take a different approach then." she heard orion from outside. "i'll do anything i can to get this team back." orion sounded confident.

"i'm not giving up."


"ugh, so fucking nasty. like, can they get a room? i'm trying to eat." aspen gagged, looking down at her tray. a couple tables across from them was nancy in all her glory—trying to shove her tongue down adam banks' throat.

"jesus," scarlett sighed, before looking back down at her math textbook. she figured it was better to look at that than the scene that was playing out near her.

"poor boy," abbie mumbled, shaking her head. her, morgan, and anna were actually still watching—unlike the grossed out girls next to them.

"he clearly doesn't like it." morgan stated, peaking her head up a bit to examine his mannerisms clearly. "he's probably trying not to throw up."

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