those same ducks forever

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"alright guys, let's get out there and show em how ducks play." charlie said looking at scarlett who nodded.

"this is our final go, let's win." she said simply with a smirk.

they've made it to the championship rounds. they've beaten everyone they've played this year. including the j.v team, which was a breeze for them.

everything was back to normal. on the ice, with the team, in school.

adam and scarlett, connie and guy, aspen and charlie—which shocked everyone, even abbie and jack are getting serious. everyone on the team gets along like before, like the three year gap was never there, full of fights and ignoring.

scarlett thought it was the end of the world sophomore year when she thought she'd never step foot in the rink again, or even have a relationship with any of her old friends. pretty much everyone thought the same.

so the fact that they're all here now, things being better than before, means more than the world to each and every single one of them.

"good luck out there guys." orion walked into the locker room with an actual smile on his face. "also, you're welcome. considering none of this or none of you would even think about being here if it wasn't for me." he said somewhat jokingly.

everyone laughed and yelled out their thank yous obnoxiously.

"alright, alright, let's go!" orion yelled and everyone piled out of the locker room. for the last time, as a team.

"hey, i love you." aspen smiled at scarlett before they walked out of the locker room.

"hey, i love you." scarlett grinned and the two hugged tightly. it's always been them. though all the fights and arguments, they've never broken apart. they've been together since the start, and don't plan on changing that.

the team made their way out onto the ice, ready to play their last game. not worried, knowing they'll be friends for the rest of their lives.


"that's right folks, you better believe it. you're very own eden hall ducks have won the championship!"

everyone looked at each other in shock. as if in slow motion, the crowd stood up and cheered. orion laughed, throwing his clip board to the side, feeling a sense of accomplishment. his team of stubborn freshman had finally grew up.

the team skated out onto the ice, jumping, cheering, hugging. this was better than winning the play offs in pee wees, even better than winning the junior goodwill games. they played for each other tonight. played with their whole hearts, knowing it was their last chance to.

they proved themselves to everyone, from beginning to end.

adam and scarlett found each other and just smiled. the two hugged, spinning around on the ice. adam kissed scarlett, those fireworks going off in both of their chests to their fingertips.

"super duo wins again." adam mumbled.

"i still hate that." scarlett shook her head and the two laughed.

everyone stopped when they saw bombay standing in the crowd. he waved to them and they all waved and yelled even louder. all their parents were in the crowd, cheering and proud of how far their kids made it.

everything was finally over, but perfect.


"good job, kid." bombay smiled as scarlett walked out of the locker room. she ran into his arms and gave him a hug.

"thanks, thanks for coming! it means a lot to everyone that you're here." she said with a grin.

everyone walked out of the locker room and beamed at their old coach.


"look at you, old man."


"hey guys, you're all grown up, all old." he joked, referring to the old man comment that was made about him. "it was an honor getting to coach you all, having you be my team. i'll take those memories and have them with me forever. i wanna thank you all for making that such a great experience. i'm really proud of you, all of you. i know you're all gonna do great things." he nodded as orion came out his office door. bombay said goodbye to everyone then walked away.

"alright, team. thanks for letting me force you together. i am proud of you all, though. you've made the two years i've coached you great. i'll forever tell my future teams about the team who changed the warriors to the ducks. and for that, i thank you." he nodded and everyone smiled sadly.

it was an emotional moment. but for some reason there was no tears, no frowns or sniffling.

after everything they've been through, they're all together again. everything is normal and fine. there's nothing to be sad about. they feel accomplished and proud of what they've done and created together.

they made the ducks. a team, a place to call home. they made a family. full of love and so much laughter and happiness. a family only they will ever have with each other.

they'll forever be the ducks. that team that's a family. no matter where they go to college, what career they take up, if they get married, have kids, move a million miles away, they'll always be those ducks.

those same ducks who could barley stand up straight on their skates, the same ducks who skated around on the frozen pond for hours, who gave their old coach a heart attack, who refused to have a cake eater on their team, who won the goodwill games, the same ducks who fought, laughed, cried together.

they'll never not be those same ducks. there's no way they couldn't be.

all the memories they have will be something they can remember and laugh and cry about.

they can all leave the rink, for good this time, knowing everything is okay. how it's supposed to be. everything fell into place like they were told it was going to be.

they were finally together, despite everything that got in their way. it was all worth it. and every single one of them would go through it again to get everything to they way it is now.

that was their final go as the ducks. but only on the rink. off the rink, they'll forever be the ducks.


um did i really just finish this whole series?
this doesn't feel real.

this took me like two years to write. partly because it's four books but also because i'm just really lazy.

but thank you to everyone that read the book and commented and just made this whole writing experience so great

i cant wait to start up on my old drafts and new stuff

i have like 3 adam books in my drafts, one published. but the one on my drafts is almost done so i might start posting that one while i write the one i already have published.

i have a Guy book in my drafts and a couple ideas for ideas for him so i can always publish those too.

thank you guys so much!


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