aye, aye, cap

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"are you even listening?" aspen groaned, looking at scarlett.

scarlett wasn't listening. she was looking at nancy. she did have cuts and bruises. but there's no way scarlett could have done that. they're too perfect.

she watched as nancy got up from her table and walked out of the cafeteria. scarlett ignored aspen, slowly getting up and following nancy out of the cafeteria.

she waited for nancy to come out of her stall after using the bathroom. "oh, look who it is." she smiled sweetly as nancy jumped in surprise. "no need to be scared. i'm not here to attack you again." scarlett scoffed.

"get away from me."

"why did you do it? why did you lie? seriously, what is your problem with me?" scarlett asked, genuinely having enough at this point.

"i didn't lie."

"nancy, if you don't drop the fucking brat act you will have actual cuts and bruises from me. i don't know what you think you're playing at, but it's gonna backfire." scarlett said watching as nancy rolled her eyes, washing her hands.

she looked at herself in the mirror and ran her finger over a cut, fixing it up. scarlett rolled her eyes and scoffed.

she let nancy go back to her table and decided to follow behind her. she grabbed a cup of water from her table—aspen yelling at her because she took her water, and walked over to nancy's table. adam rolled his eyes and jack gave her a confused look.

scarlett just walked up and dumped the water in nancy's face, without saying a word. "oh, sorry. let me help you clean it up." she took a napkin and smeared it over nancy's face, the cuts and purple bruises coming right off. "looks like your face was a little dirty." scarlett held up the makeup filled napkin, giving adam a dirty look before throwing it onto the table and walking away.

he looked shocked. he was always gullible so scarlett knew why he always believed nancy. but this was just stupid.

scarlett walked back to her table where aspen was sitting with an open mouth. "uh, did you just dump my water on her?"


"and she didn't melt?" morgan leaned over, coming into the conversation. scarlett huffed, grabbing her books.

"surprisingly, no."

"shocking." anna mumbled, staring at nancy as her and adam fought back and forth.

"guys." abbie said, even though she knew they were right.

"yep. i've gotta go, see you guys at practice." scarlett mumbled, getting her stuff and going to her locker. she decided to skip her last class. she didn't feel like going. she had better things to do anyway.


everyone gathered into the gym for cheer practice. scarlett watched, waiting for everyone to be there.

she pulled nancy aside, which was a difficult  thing to do. "i don't want you on my team." scarlett said simply. she waited for too long to do this

nancy looked appalled that she would even say that. "uh, excuse me?"

"you heard me." scarlett nodded.

"you can't do that!" nancy squealed, stomping her foot. a couple people looked over at the commotion.

"i can and i just did. i already talked to nicole, she agreed with the decision." scarlett said, crossing her arms.

"the team won't agree."

"i honestly don't give a shit what the team says. i'm the captain. we can take a team vote, though. either way you still have to go." scarlett shrugged. waking over to the team. nancy shuffled behind her.

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