damn duck cult?

863 13 11

"something is happening and i don't like it." aspen mumbled, speed walking up to scarlett, who was at her locker. scarlett looked at aspen with furrowed brows while putting away her books.

"what? is something wrong?" scarlett asked worriedly. aspen looked scared or nervous, almost.

"yes! well, technically no, but yes! scarlett, ever since that night we were all summoned for that damn..duck cult—"

"—is that what we're calling that now?"

"i don't know does it matter?"

"well, kinda—"

"scarlett! i have been running into them everywhere. they are everywhere!" she spoke quickly and scarlett closed her locker after grabbing her bag.

she hit aspens shoulder with a roll of her eyes. "who is everywhere?" she asked while they started to walk together.

"charlie, guy, julie, everyone! everyone is everywhere all of a sudden. they're all in my classes, in the halls, everywhere!" she snapped and scarlett huffed at her.

"they've been everywhere for the past three years, aspen. we go to the same school, that's how that works." scarlett shook her head and aspen groaned because she wasn't getting the point.

"scarlett, i swear. i've never seen charlie in my math class before, i'd know if his dumbass was in there. or even julie! since when did she take home ec?" aspen waved her hands everywhere.

"i don't know, since home ec was a free A and she likes baking." scarlett shrugged, not understanding what the big deal was. normally, they don't run into each other, but it's not the biggest school ever so it's bound to happen.

"she never took home ec before today, scar." aspen whined, throwing her head back dramatically. scarlett rolled her eyes and unlocked their dorm room.

"and you know that how? you keep track of everyone on your class lists?" scarlett threw her bag down and grabbed her volleyball uniform. they were getting their media pictures today instead of practice, which was very exciting. they've had practice all week and it was extremely tiring on top of cheer.

"yes! no! i don't keep track just-i-ugh! listen to me, scarlett." aspen grabbed both of her hands and forcefully pushed her to sit down on her bed. scarlett looked at her unimpressed and sighed.

"i'm listening, aspen." scarlett droned, tiredly. "but here me out, maybe she just switched the period she was in the class."

"no, i know this for a fact. she was never in the registry when i signed up. there's only five kids in my home ec class. six, now, because of julie. somehow, their schedules have changed to mix with mine. has no one been in any of your classes?" she asked and scarlett stopped to think.

she noticed adam in some of her ap classes today and connie in one of her classes in the morning, but she just thought she never payed much attention before. she noticed a couple other of her old teammates but sometimes the occasional schedule switch happens.

"maybe we just never realized they were there. we both know we didn't want to realize they were there a couple months ago." she shrugged, going to get changed. aspen quickly followed and wheeled her desk chair to sit outside of the bathroom door.

"i'm not crazy!"

"i never said you were."

"you thought it."

"yeah, i did."

aspen groaned loudly, slumping her head against the door. scarlett opened the bathroom door, dressed in full volleyball gear, and aspen's head fell forward. "at least tell me you'll pay attention tomorrow so you'll think i'm not crazy." aspen begged wheeling to face scarlett, who was braiding her hair at her desk mirror.

"i'll always think your crazy."


"yes, aspen! i'll pay attention. if it'll get you to stop bitching i'd go to down to the office and look at the schedule changes myself, jesus." she said sarcastically.

aspen stopped her complaining and raised her eyebrows. scarlet finished her braided ponytail and whipped around. "no," she shook her head quickly. "aspen, no! are you crazy?"

"you did just say i was." she smiled sweetly.

"i don't care what you do," scarlett shurgged, grabbing her bag and dorm key. "but leave me out of it." she said before closing the door behind her.


it was late when scarlett came back. morgan and abbie were visiting home for the weekend since it was friday. morgan left right after media pictures. scarlett had to help clean up the gym and their coach made them run laps since they didn't get to practice.

she walked into the dorm with dropping eyes and stopped when she saw aspen. she was sitting in a pile of papers in the middle of the dorm floor with the lamp on.

"what the hell are you doing?" scarlett asked loudly, making aspen's head jolt up.

"guess—," she struggled to get up and slipped on a paper walking over to the tired girl. "what i found." she said out of breath.



"aspen, what did-"

"i said guess!"


"really, genius? einstein guess, really, you're amazing." she rambled sarcastically making scarlett stare at her, annoyed.

"aspen." scarlett said, bored and tiredly.

"you're gonna shit yourself when i tell you. i mean, really this is-" she kept going and scarlett walked past her to grab a sweatshirt and shorts.

"aspen! tell me."

"thirteen schedule changes." she said proudly. she stacked the papers with her own writing and put them in a folder. scarlett came out of the bathroom and rolled her eyes.

"people change their schedules everyday, aspen."

"requested by ted orion, head varsity hockey coach." she finished and scarlett snapped her head over go aspen.


"you heard."

"i'll just have to take a different approach then."

scarlett thought about the note. how the hand writing seemed a bit too familiar and how he'd be one of the only people to get access to all of their lockers and a classroom like that.

"i'll do anything i can to get this team back."

such as making thirteen scheduling changes to make sure at least three of the same ex teammates are in each other's classes.

scarlett realized one thing, he was not giving up.

"i'm not giving up."


happy ween guys😁😁😁🎃🦇👻💀🌑
anyway, two day in a row update bc i get to snack out of my sisters candy bowl for the next couple weeks!!

anyway, this is definitely gonna get better in the future. i have some pretty good ideas

again, happy weenie!'🤣🫶😂🤣😂🫶🎃

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