hear me out

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it's been five days since the big game. nancy has been going all out with the paper insults. instead of her actually insulting scarlett verbally, she would slip her papers. wether it was taped to the dorm door when she would leave for class or practice, slipped underneath the dorm door before curfew, slipped into her locker or pocket..she always found a way.

but scarlett, like the petty bitch nancy says she is, kept all of the notes she had ever gotten from her— including from freshman year and since, in a shoe box under her bed. although that box is currently about to overflow.

the two were currently at cheer together and everyone could practically see the anger coming off of scarlett.

lacrosse was practicing on the field while the girls were on the track, meaning adam and jack were there too.

"okay, liv, how 'bout you come up a spot." scarlett nodded to the spot she wanted the girl to stand in and olivia stepped up, covering nancy completely. "perfect. i like that, what about you guys?" she asked anna and morgan who hid their smiles and nodded. "good. liv, are you good with that spot?" the girl nodded, just happy to be closer to the front where all the older girls stood.

"uh, aren't the lines supposed to be in like, grade
order?" one of nancy's minions spoke up.

"yeah, and aren't we supposed to be mirroring off the other persons shoulder? she's-" the other one spoke.

"she's completely covering me!" nancy stomped her foot and circled around olivia.

"oh, she is?" scarlett turned around with a sarcastic frown. "i didn't notice. now that i think about it, i wasn't on the verge of throwing up because your face was in my line of vision so..i guess i should've known." she smiled before turning around again, to put her water bottle down.

nancy audibly huffed, stomping her foot against the ground again.

"how about you stop stomping your foot like a literal child and listen to what i'm saying. jesus, i've seen two year olds who throw less fits." scarlett laughed dryly, watching as nancy shooed olivia out of the spot she gave her.

she grunted, or screamed, all scarlett heard was a dying cow, it got the attention of the whole lacrosse team. nancy shoved scarlett back and that's when adam and jack made their way over, followed by a couple teammates wanting to see the show.

scarlett's mouth dropped and her head tilted. adam has seen scarlett get into her fair share of fights over the years, and that's how he knew she was ready to fight. that's also how he knew she was really pissed off. like, really.

"are you fucking kidding me?" scarlett said lowly. adam and jack kept their distance. they were far enough to not be able to hear what was being said, but close enough to see the anger and tension in the air. "you wouldn't even.."

"try me."

that was all scarlett needed. she lifted her hand and smacked nancy in the face, hard. nancy's lucky that's all she did at that point.

nancy tilted her head to the side, rubbing her face. "that's for being a manipulative, spiteful, evil, boring, greedy, selfish, jealous, impulsive, arrogant, raging little bitch."

nancy had never been more offended in her life. that's because everything scarlett had said was true. she was just rightfully called out, with extremely correct insults, in front of pretty much everyone at the school with a social life, give or take a few.

at that point, nancy's shocked face was just making scarlett mad, so she reached out and did it again, to the other side. "that's for taking my boyfriend." nancy rubbed the other side of her face. the lacrosse team debated if they should go help. nancy smirked, lifting up her shoulder in a small, proud shrug.

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