nice job, captain

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"hey, anderson, i'm gonna need you to take over practice today. i've gotta meeting with the board." orion told scarlett as she walked out of the locker room. her eyes widened and she quickly shook her head.

"coach, no, you know i can't. they won't listen to me, especially now." she sighed, wishing for anything but this to happen. "we can have practice later, or tomorrow. please." she begged.

"anderson, if they won't listen, that's on them. they shouldn't be apart of a team if they don't want to listen to their captain. get yourself a partner—assistant, whatever, if you think that'll help. just..make them listen." he said like it was an easy thing to do then walked away.

"hey," aspen sighed, walking out of the locker room. scarlett knew who'd her assistant be. they're all scared of aspen anyway. aspen looked around and furrowed her eyebrows. "where's orion?" she asked, looking back at scarlett.

"not here." scarlett mumbled as everyone walked out of the locker room.

"not here?"

"so that means.."

"no practice!"

"no, we have a captain, dumbass. we don't need orion here."

"yeah, captain."

scarlett rolled her eyes and huffed, turning around to face her team. "listen, i honestly don't give a shit if you don't want me as a captain or not. orion gave me the position, not you. so if you have a problem with that—that's most likely one of the reasons you're not captain. i can't force you to do anything, or listen to me. as your captain i'll train my team and if you don't do what i ask then you might as well not be on the team. so stop being a bunch of immature shits, living in the past, and get out on the ice." she said finally, taking a deep breath, and everyone started to move out onto the ice with wide eyes.

"wow, look at you go." aspen smiled excitedly, skating out onto the ice last, followed by scarlett.

"what'd you want me to do, captain?" charlie skated in a circle around scarlett.

"what i don't want you to do is be a dick like you're being right now. clearly that's asking too much of you, so laps will be just fine for right now." scarlett smirked sweetly and raised her eyebrows when charlie didn't move.

"how many?"

"when i say stop."

charlie huffed and started skating his laps. "for the rest of us, we're just going to do a couple scrimmages, up to three each. we'll shuffle the teams every game. we've gotta be used to working with everyone as a team." scarlett said as everyone nodded. charlie still skated around everyone, doing his laps and rolling his eyes every once in awhile.

"i'll put you in teams and give each team two captains. they'll have to work together to make plays and try to beat the opposing team. work together and use what you know about your opponents to win." no one said anything yet, not so bad, scarlett thought. "this is to help you work together, and help your leader ship skills as captains. got it?" scarlett asked and everyone shook their heads and said yes.

"alright team one; captains; adam and cameron." the two looked at each other with disgust and back to scarlett who hid her smirk, she knew what she was doing. "players; julie, guy, dean, luis, and connie."

"team two; captains; charlie and jesse." scarlett knew they haven't been getting along lately. "players; goldberg, averman, dwayne, russ and fulton." scarlett mentally checked off everyone in her head.

"conway!" aspen yelled, nodding for him to come back over. he skated over and scarlett nodded over to jesse and his new team. he skated over with an eye roll.

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