it's always her

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practice today was extremely tiring. but considering the whole day was just off, scarlett didn't even care. jack didn't talk to her after lunch for the rest of the day. she didn't know why. she honestly didn't care.

but adam. adam didn't talk to her at all today. and the looks he was sending her? she could go on for hours about them. she didn't even know what they were about.

it was a look filled with disappointment, a little sadness, and a little anger.

scarlett had no idea what she did to deserve that type of look, but knowing her, she probably does deserve it.

in the locker room, she slowly packed her things into her bag. she wanted to talk to adam. to see what exactly she did.

but instead of always packing his stuff slowly to wait for scarlett, adam was just shoving things in his bag. he didn't care what goes where, or even if it all goes into the bag, he just wanted to get out of there.

so, he zipped up his bag, grabbed the rest of his stuff and rushed out. "what the hell?" scarlett mumbled, rushing to get her stuff zipped and running after him.

"are we gonna ignore that?" averman spoke up, saying what everyone was thinking, but no one wanted to say.


"better off if we do."

"don't mention it."

"alright, then." he nodded with a shrug and went back to putting his stuff into his bag. aspen stared at the door with furrowed eyebrows. she knew about scarlett and adam. she wasn't dumb. she knew her best friend. she just needed to act like she didn't know.

"adam, hey.." scarlett jogged to catch up to him. he was speed walking, but slowed down once he realized scarlett was fast enough to catch him. he didn't respond and she sighed. "what's going on? is there something wrong?"

"did you hurt nancy yesterday?"

this was a joke, right? scarlett laughed, not realizing he was being serious. this had to be a joke.

"you're kidding, right? i wasn't even here yesterday, adam." scarlett's face dropped when she saw the look he was giving her.

"well, she's bruised and cut and is claiming you 'attacked' her in the bathroom yesterday." he shrugged, facing scarlett fully.

"you know how she lies, why would you even believe her?" scarlett asked, trying not to get frustrated.

"because i have eyes, scarlett. she's got bruises and dried blood everywhere.." adam yelled, he didn't know why he yelled. he was just mad, he thought they'd finally be able to get along and work out again. even if it was as friends.

"you can get bruised and cut from literally anything-"

"she has a whole story, everything checks out. she might lie a lot, but this is looking and sounding pretty real to me."

"adam, i haven't seen nancy since cheer on thursday. i was sick friday and saturday, came to hockey on sunday, and then straight to dress shopping. i was out all day sunday, i even slept at my house because some of my family's in town." she explained, she watched his face falter, then return to its hard look.

"i don't know if i can believe that." he shrugged. he started walking away slowly.

"ask jack! he was with me all day." her eyes started to water.

"oh, yeah, i'll ask jack. you're boyfriend who hates nancy and i'm sure will lie for you no matter what." he scoffed with a sarcastic laugh.

"ask my mom, then." she pleaded, following after him. "or aspen. or the dean, who literally has the record of me leaving and coming back for over the weekend. adam, please." she bit her tongue to try and avoid tears coming to her eyes, that didn't help. tears fell down her face.

adam sighed at the sight and turned around, he couldn't see her cry. he couldn't see that he was the reason, again.

"i'm sorry. i'm sorry i thought this would work." he mumbled, walking away. scarlett heard him.

"me too." she said before all of the tears fell out of her eyes.

why does she always loose the things that make her happy? she's come to the reason that she's the problem. it's her. always her.

wether it's the way she acts, talks, dresses, things she says, how she looks, what she does; it's always her.

it always will be.


just got detention for the first time ever for literally no reason and i dead ass cried

it was so embarrassing.

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