boo to captain scarlett

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cheer tryouts had just ended and scarlett, morgan, and anna had just finished posting the list outside of the gym. they figured that was the best way to let people know.

pulling people aside and letting them down gently was way too awkward and announcing it was just embarrassing to people who didn't make it.

they told the people who saw their names on the list to come back into the gym for voting.

nancy was all excited, claiming she was guaranteed the spot this year. scarlett was just trying not to laugh every time someone on the team rolled their eyes at her.

scarlett, morgan, and abbie like to keep count on how many times people roll their eyes at nancy. they count when they're in class with her, at lunch when she's throwing herself at every jock—even though she has a boyfriend, and at cheer when she thinks she's in charge of everybody and everything.

the excited girls came into the gym, all talking and whispering.

"alright, girls, this is it. congratulations on making the team. for those of you who are new, i'll explain quickly what we do when we vote." nicole smiled at everyone.

"i'll give you each a paper, there'll be a spot for you to write down who you want as captain and two spots for the two co-captains. as always,
freshmen and sophomores will be voting j.v, juniors and seniors voting varsity. a couple things on voting, don't put your name on the paper, write clearly, don't put two people under one position, and yes, it's okay to vote yourself." she looked down at her clipboard that most likely had
the rules and then nodded her head.

"that's all, you can all come up and take a paper and if you have any questions feel free to ask me. oh, and one more thing; no talking during voting, that should be it. go ahead."

with that, everyone walked up and grabbed a paper. scarlett leaned over a table and spun her pencil in her hands. she wrote anna's name under captain. she's been cheering forever and figured it only made since. then she put down morgan's for co-captain. she thought for a bit then put down a girl named fiona. they weren't exactly friends, but they talked if they had to.

she'd feel selfish if she voted herself, though that's probably what nancy did. she didn't want to win by one vote when that vote was her own. it didn't feel fair. she wanted to be able to earn her spot.

she put her paper into the bin and sat down next to morgan and anna on the floor. "who'd you vote?" morgan whispered, while anna looked over to her.

"anna captain, you co, and fiona co." scarlett shrugged, knowing morgan was going to make a big deal about how she didn't put herself into the mix. scarlett already knew morgan was going to vote herself, she was a put yourself before others type of person. but only in the best way.

"what?!" her and anna whisper-shouted in unison. scarlett rolled her eyes, already knowing the rant that was coming.

"you didn't vote yourself? are you kidding me? you're too damn good for this team. nancy's over there probably putting her name for all three positions and you didn't even put yourself for one? unbelievable.." morgan kept going quietly  until anna shushed her.

"morgan, enough." she shook her head before turning back to scarlett. "are you dumb? you literally deserve that spot you just didn't even vote yourself? i get you don't wanna be selfish but seriously? it's not being selfish to want something good for yourself.." anna ranted just like morgan until scarlett shushed her.

"she's back from counting, shut up." she said quickly making both girls turn toward their coach. she was walking over with a big smile on her face. she had a box which scarlett assumed was filled with captain gear.

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