The Champion/Chapter 3

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Y/n POV:
As i step out into the Arena and walk towards the ring, i hear the screaming of my name and all of my fans letting me know i can do this. It makes me feel at home. I see a few familiar faces on my way and high five Chris Evans, my best friend on my way. He shouts "Go knock that guys teeth out!" And i burst out laughing as i step into the ring and face my opponent, all my nerves subside and i bring out my secret weapon to winning all the time, My anger.

The Referee tells us all the rules, no playing dirty blah blah blah, then we touch gloves. This guy is actually alright and not a dick like most boxers i have fought so i give him a slight smile and wink and he does the same as we begin the match.

It starts of slow the first twenty seconds, a few jabs here and there but nothing major. I usually wait awhile so i can see how my opponent fights and their signature moves before i fight back. Canelo throws a right hook at my face and although it didn't fully connect with my face it still hurt. We threw a few more punches mine seem to be doing more damage than his are. After 2 minutes i have fully analysed his fighting pattern and figure out how i'm going to knock him out. As The sounds of the crowds screaming went silent, i blocked out everyone but Canelo. I watch as he goes to give me a jab in the ribs and as if in slow motion i give him my famous right hook that has knocked out every one of my other opponents. It connects with his face and knocks him out cold, the crowd going insane as i run to my family jumping around at my big win. Chris practically body slammed me as he flew over to hug me. "I knew you could do it! Still world champion and nothing and no one are gonna change that, i'm so proud of you Y/n."

Hearing those words from my best friend somehow mean more than anyone else. I smile at him and pull him back in for another hug. "Thank you Chris, for always believing in me and my job, your the best."

I head back to the centre of the ring and was rewarded my belt back that i had earned in this fight still being world champion and i was given the mic to make a speech. My anxiety goes insane in times like this but i calmed down and spoke from the heart "Well thats another win!" The crowd screamed and i smiled ear to ear as i continued "This would have never been possible without the love and support of all of you guys and i appreciate you all, along with my family, Chris, and my brother Joe also known as my personal trainer. Your all amazing and i can't wait for my next opponent. I love you guys!" As i finish my speech the crowd screeches.

As i head backstage with my family excited for the after party. Chris comes over to me on my way, "I have a really good friend who is a big fan and came to watch you, could i bring them to meet you?" I obviously said yes, "What's their name then?"

"Oh it's Elizabeth Olsen."

Authors Note:
I don't watch boxing that much to please don't judge if i don't get every word right. Next episode is us meeting Elizabeth so it's gonna be goood!

See you in Chapter 4!

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