A Trip To America/Chapter 8

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A month later.....

Y/n POV:
This past month has been amazing. Getting to know Lizzie has been a dream. Literally. 15 year old me wouldn't believe if i said we were hanging out and going on adventures together, showing her the spots i used to hang out in by myself.

Everyday this week we have been together just getting to know eachother. I have taken her fishing, to my boxing training, to the arcade and for food in the trafford centre. We have done so much together and have shared secrets with eachother that we wouldn't share with people we have known for years.

As of right now, i am on the phone to my manager, who is telling me i need to go to America for an interview speaking about my big win. I don't really want to go though because me and Lizzie had plans to go on a few more adventures this week.

"I'm sorry Joe but i don't know, we have so much planned this week."

"Y/n it has been a month since the fight and you have put off this interview four times. Lizzie can wait for your adventures this week i'm sure, this interview is happening wether you like it or not!" Usually i would never let anyone speak to me like that but i'll let it slide from my little brother.

"Fine, i'll speak to her and let you know if i can or can't. But Joe if she sounds dissapointed i swear it won't be happening." He snorts a laugh from the other side of the phone "Jeez Y/n sounds like your in love with her."
He starts laughing but i have to give my fakest one because he may be right. I thought we were just friends and she is married so I'll never tell her but i think im in love with her.

"Yeah right. Anyway i have to go i'm about to call her, i will let you know in abit, bye bro."  "Yeah see you in a bit sis."

After i hang up i sit there thinking about her. Deciding not to call her and wait for her to call me. She said she also had business calls today so i will just leave her to it.

As i sit doing some work on my computer my phone starts buzzing. Seeing her name on the screen i take a breath before answering, annoyingly nervous to talk to her.

"Hey Y/n! Hows your business calls going?" She always wants to know how my days are going, i think it is super sweet.

"Hey Liz! Yeah they are going okay, boring as usual, but that is what i wanted to talk to you about. My manager needs me to go to America to do some interviews this week which means i would have to cancel our plans and adventures for this week i'm really sorry." She doesn't reply for a few seconds and it makes me think she is upset about our plans. Just as i am about to say i'll leave the trip she finally speaks.

"Thats so weird and also so perfect, i need to go to America this week to see my sisters and i have an interview aswell! how about we go together and have our adventures there instead!?"

I'm so relieved and excited for this that i don't even take a second to respond "That sounds fantastic i would love to do that! It will be amazing doing our adventures in another country! My ticket is booked for tomorrow with no return date?"
"That's great Y/n i will book on right now! Robbie is away with his band so it will just be us two, i'll call you back after i'm booked on." "Okay bye bye" "Bye Y/n."

I feel guilty about how relieved i was when she said it would just be us two, we are only ever gonna be more than friends and i would never tell her this to jepordize it. Plus she is married and i would never want to ruin that for them no matter how i feel about her.

I can't wait for this holiday just the two of us.....

Authors Note:
Sorry this chapters super short but the next ones in the making, i'm back now so regular updates are coming i promise!

See you in chapter 9!.....

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