What am i going to do/Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV:
After an amazing evening with Lizzie we both got back home and said goodnight to eachother, i'm currently lay on my bed thinking about how in love with her i am and also how screwed i am. I never fall in love, everyone i have ever loved has left me, and here i am inlove with a woman who in the past 6 months of knowing her has come to be my best friend. What the hell am i going to do?

My thoughts are interupted by my phone buzzing, Megan/Little cuz popping up on my screen. I contemplate ignoring her but i know how that will end. I pick the phone and put it to my ear, heading to the balcony for some much needed air.

"Hey cuz! What's up?"

"Hey Y/n/n, just calling to see how your holding up?" I sigh knowing shes talking about what ive been thinking about for the past hour. "Well do you want the truth or the lie i just came up with." She laughs down the phone before replying "You know i can tell when you lie, so the truth please."

"Fine, the truth is i don't really know how i'm doing. I have all these different emotions and i'm just lost. I took Lizzie to the secret ferris wheel we used to go to when we visited L.A as kids, and it was the most amazing night i've had in so long, but at the same time i find my self falling for her more and more. I just don't know what to do!" After i finish my ramble Megan takes a second to respond.

"Why don't you just tell her how your feeling? Something tells me she might not react how you think." I laugh out loud at that statement, only imagining what would come out of that.

"Oh yeah right Megan, i'll just go tell her how in love with her i am, that will go down soooo well. Don't be stupid, she will leave the second those words leave my mouth, thats what always happens to me..." I regret that last line as soon as it leaves my mouth, but no turning back now.

"Oh my god Y/n! Lizzie is nothing like that bitch! You know this! Lizzie is not Abby and she will not break your heart like she did. We both know that"

I cringe as her name is said, all those memories come flooding back and it brings a tear to my eye, horrible times of my past i never want to remember.

"We don't know that Lizzie won't react the same way Abby did Megan. I could recover loosing her. I could never recover if i lost Lizzie, she means to much to me now, if all we will ever be is friends, i can accept that as long as she is in my life okay!?"

Megan sighs down the phone and takes awhile to respond, trying to find something else to convince me to tell her. "Okay big cuz, just think about it more thats all i ask okay?"

"Fine, i will think about it if it will shut you up. Anyway i'm gonna go to bed there's too many emotions happening right now, goodnight cuz love you."

"Fair enough, night Y/n/n love you too." And with that she hangs up. I take a few minutes to breathe before heading back inside and lying in bed, slowly nodding off with my head spinning with thoughts of the woman next door.

Lizzie's POV:
As i hear her close the door to the balcony i slowly make my way inside, so many things in my head. Who is Abby? Will Y/n ever confess to me? Should i confess to her i feel the same?

All i know is i'm sort of relieved she feels this way. I could hear in her voice she was in pain which also makes me feel guilty knowing that i have been evesdropping everytime she goes onto the balcony, i momentarily wonder if she realises my room also has one and the walls are paper thin.

As my thoughts spin around about everything that has happened these past 6 months i realise that because of her they have been my happiest. She is the light i needed in my darkness to help me see. I could never imagine my future without her now. But i crave more of her, i crave her lips, her eyes that look so lovingly into mine and her hands that fit so perfectly into mine, like the final pieces of the puzzle. After thinking all of these things only one thing covers my mind.

I need to tell Y/n.

Authors note:
Wow, two posts in two days thats new to me. I find it so much easier to write shorter paragraphs and get them out faster.
Soooo... they are both feeling alot right now. Dont worry they arent quite admitting there feelings just yet. This wont be a super long book but not too short either. Mostly sweet chapters though as angst is something i hate in books.. (dont worry there will still be some ;) anywayy

See you in the next chapter dude😁

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