And We Are Off/Chapter 9

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Y/n POV:
Today is the day me and Lizzie are flying to L.A for interviews and adventures, excited isn't the word!

I just finished packing after Lizzie called and scolded me for not packing sooner, since we leave in less than 6 hours she is kinda right. Just as i finish doing all my packing my doorbell rings, i'm super confused since no one told me they were coming. I head downstairs to my door and i'm surprised to see Lizzie standing at my door.

"Hey Y/n! Sorry for just showing up without telling you, i was just bored waiting to go to the airport and thought we could just drive their together in my car or yours?" She seems nervous for some reason hopeful that i'm not angry she turned up unnanounced.

"Of course Liz that sounds good i was just wandering around my house bored anyway, come on in!" I move to let her in and she says a quiet thank you before coming in. She walks around looking at all of my photos like she hasn't seen them a bunch of times, it always makes me laugh.

"You want something to drink or eat? I'm making a sausage sandwich if you would like one?"

"That sounds great Y/n"

I finish making my food whilst Liz makes herself at home like she always does. I love that she feels comfortable enough to make herself comfy and do what she likes in my house. She even made her own little garden here when she came to stay whilst Robbie was away. Of course now i have to take care of it when she isn't here, but i don't mind since she loves it so much, speaking of the garden, she is in it right now.

I go towards the garden with her breakfast and as she sees me coming she hangs up the phone call she was on and comes towards me. I notice that she is bright red making me super confused. "Are you okay Elizabeth your very red right now." She just smiles saying "I'm fine Y/n, just really hungry!" I hand her the plate and we sit in my garden enjoying the scenery together whilst we eat.

Not too long later i'm packing my car adding Lizzie's bags in and we are off to the airport, we spend the ride singing our lungs out to Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran and all the classics, completely enjoying eachothers company.

We arrive at Manchester airport around 2pm and rush through checking in and Security, we both have major anxiety so we are just clinging on to eachother most of the time. There is just one problem, my worst phobia just so happens to be getting on aeroplanes so as we are sitting in the lounge waiting to board i am prefusely sweating and shaking, Lizzie is currently trying to calm me down.

"I know it's scary Y/n but it's okay, shhhhh your gonna be okay i will be here with you the entire time holding your hand i promise." Her words hypnotising me somehow and my breath slows down as i look in her eyes.

Lizzie continues to calm me down as we board the plane and take our seats. I momanterily had a panic attack as Liz's seat wasn't right next to me, but lucky for us the person sat next to her had a friend in my seat so they were glad to swap with me.

The whole way through the safety talk Lizzie is whispering things to me to calm me down, thankfully it's working. We take off and head into the sky. I freak out everytime the plane moves an inch but she is patient and there with me till i pass out on her shoulder.

We must have slept for a really long time because as i stir into consciousness we are about to land. Lizzie has her head on my shoulder completely relaxing me and the landing isn't too bad.

I try to camly wake Elizabeth up but as soon as i call her name she jolts awake, the excitment buzzing off her.

We get off the plane and she holds my arm the whole way calming not only her anxiety but mine aswell. We completely balance our fears off eachothers making it so much easier to deal with.

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