Breakfast and Talks/Chapter 18

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Y/N's POV:
As i open my eyes and adjust them to the light i look around the room completely forgetting where i am for a second. Once i wake up more memories come flooding back of what happened last night making my heart soar. I then remember that Lizzie ended up sleeping in my bed cuddled up to me, but as i look to my right i see she is no longer there. I don't think much of it and head into the bathroom to freshen up before i hit the gym.

As i head downstairs i find Lizzie on the couch sipping her morning coffee and reading a book. As soon as she sets the coffee down i decide to do something that could get me killed. I tiptoe behind her and wait a few seconds before grabbing her shoulders, she screams and the last thing i see is her fist fly into my face, hitting me right in the nose and sending me onto my ass. Ouch.

As soon as she realises it was me and that she hit me she comes running to my side to make sure i'm okay.

"Oh my god Y/n i'm so sorry, you scared me i didn't even think i just reacted, i didn't mean to hurt you im so so sorry!" She rambles to me and i start laughing, which stops the slight panic she was having.

"It's okay Liz honestly i should have seen it coming considering i'm a boxer. You sure you don't want a job in this business that was a sharp right hook!" She laughs at me before helping me to my feet and giving me a hug. She moves away from me and looks me in the eye before looking at my lips, she hesitates and i know what she's thinking.

"Yes Lizzie you can kiss me, you don't have to ask or hesitate anymore, It's okay." She smiles ear to ear before leaning in for a kiss which i do to. We have an intimate kiss and she pulls away hugging me again. All i can think is what does all of this mean, are we dating? Or is this just how it's gonna be? I take a mental note to have that talk when i get back from the gym.

"I made you a protein shake and a snack to take to the gym, don't be long tho i want to cuddle and watch some movies when your home." She pecks me on the lips and goes back to reading and i get my stuff and head to the gym.

After my gym session i'm absolutely exhausted and desperately need a shower, my clothes are literally dripping from sweat but i did a high intensity workout so im not surprised.

As i get home i make my way inside locking the door behind me, excited to relax and watch movies with Lizzie. I head into the kitchen and place my bag down before turning to find Lizzie who is still in the same spot, an empty plate beside her and her book still in hand, she must be entranced by it because she didn't notice me come in. I would scare her again but the black eye i currently have tell me not too.

I decide to calmly let her know im there this time, to save my vision from being impaired any further. I noticed at the gym that i couldn't see properly out of the eye she hit and when i looked in the big mirror my eye was swollen, purple and very sore.

"Hey love, i'm home!"

Lizzie snaps out of whatever trance the book had her in and looks my way. I notice her bright smile turn into her eyes going wide and face turning a bright shade of pink in the space of a few seconds. Whats that about? As she continues to look me up and down her eyes meet mine and i see her red face turn into shock, she jumps off the couch and speed walks over to me.

"Oh my god Y/n your eye is swollen! Are you okay? Does it hurt? How hard did i punch you!?"

I see her in a panic and hold her face in my hands to calm her down. "Hey it's fine it's just a little sore, trust me i have had way worse remember my job? I'm okay i swear babe it's fine."

She looks into my eyes probably to see if i'm lying, as she finds nothing but the truth she leans in and kisses me deeply, i return it and we have an intimate moment in the kitchen. As she backs away she looks me up and down and bites her lip, woah.

"I'm gonna go take a shower okay?"

"Okay babe, i'll make us some pancakes!" I peck her lips before heading up for the most relaxing shower ever.

After almost falling asleep i step out and get into some comfy shorts and my favourite hoodie before heading downstairs to the smell of breakfast. I head in and see her waiting for me the food already waiting. I take a seat facing her and we tuck in. She really does know how to make everything taste better than normal.

We sit in silence for a few minutes before i remember what i wanted to talk about earlier.

"Liz? There's something i'd like to talk about." She finishes her mouthful before responding.

"Okay whats up?"

"I know we have only just discovered our feelings and we are still figuring it all out but i just need to know. What are we? Are we dating or is this just a fling? Are we going to discover it or are we going to fly back to Manchester next week and forget what has happened here?"

She doesn't say anything at first and it worries me. Is she going to say it's just a fling? Because i don't know if my heart can take that.

She gets up from her seat and comes over to me. Sitting sideways on my lap.

"I see that this is something thats bothering you baby and i don't want your mind to be thinking like this. I'm not completely sure about everything right now as i'm sure your not either. What i am sure about is since i met you i have never felt more at home, you make me feel safe and at peace which i have never ever felt before, even with Robbie. There's alot we have to be careful of for awhile considering me and Robbie haven't been broken up publicly for even a week so we will need to take our time for awhile. But you Y/n are no fling. I see something real and beautiful with you and as far as i'm concerned i won't be letting you go okay? I want to see where my future can go with you."

A single tear escapes my eye as i listen to her, so relieved that she is feeling the same way as me. I can't form a word to express my emotions so as i pull her in for a kiss i hope she feels the emotion within it. The love i have for this woman grows with every second i spend with her and all i know is as long as she is here by my side forever i will be the luckiest person alive.

Authors Note:
Well hello there👋🏻. It has been too long but i haven't forgot about this book and your comments always make me laugh.. Yes i do have a phobia of identical twins, it's a real thing i swear google it! For the rest of this book i can swear i wont be taking this long to upload... I hope you enjoy this heartfelt chapter but don't get used to it cause angst incoming!!! Smut is also approaching and i have never wrote anything like it so i'm so scared but i'll do it for all the peeps wanting lol.

See you in chapter 18 people!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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