I'm here for you/Chapter 5

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Y/n POV:
We arrive at my home in less than 10 minutes and the party has already started when i walk in, all the people there cheer as i walk through the door congratulating me on my win, don't get me wrong i love all the people in this room but as soon as i walked in i felt overwhelmed. I go around the room drinking as much as i can to ease my nerves and thank everyone for coming. I see Lizzie at the other end of the room, i know she has anxiety to so she must be feeling how i am right now. If so, i feel really bad for her.

After an hour of going around and speaking to people i was all partied out, everyone's enjoying themselves so i'm not kicking them out, i decide to head upstairs where no one is to my room out of the way of everyone. As i'm heading upstairs i see that Elizabeth and Robbie seem to be having a heated argument, trying to do it without anyone noticing but at the same time, looks like it's a pretty serious one. I decide to leave them to it and continue upstairs, not wanting to cause a scene embarassing them both.

As i sit on my balcony enjoying the peace from people, although still hearing the music, i hear my bedroom door fly open and slam shut, scaring the absolute shit out of me, i turn to give whoever it is a peace of my mind for almost breaking my door when i see a very emotional Elizabeth curled up in a ball on my floor. She definitely doesn't know i'm in here with her. The argument must not have went very well.

I don't tend to know what to do when people cry, it makes me super uncomfortable. But i also don't want to leave her there to cry so i suck it up and make my way towards her.

Not Wanting to scare her, i say in my calmest lowest voice "Elizabeth?" She looks up slightly startled at my prescence in the room, she looks me in the eyes and says "Oh my god, i'm so sorry i didn't know anyone else was in here, i'll go somewhere else." I was about to let her leave but something in me couldn't. "No don't go, i know you don't know me but i would like to be here for you if thats okay? We don't have to talk about anything if you don't want to, just be in eachothers company?" She keeps her eyes on the floor, seemingly contemplating wether or not she would stay with me or leave. After a few seconds she wipes her tears and looks at me again "Okay i'll stay here, thank you Y/n" i smile and motion for her to follow me onto the balcony, pulling out the seat for her to sit on then sitting on my chair beside her.

A few minutes of silence goes by as we both admire the stars before she speaks "The stars are beautiful tonight aren't they?" I look over to see her already looking at me, "Yeah they really are, we never usually get to see them as the pollution makes it cloudy all the time but tonight for the first time they are so bright."

We continue to talk and get to know eachother, learning about eachothers family and favourite things, even sharing things so personal we wouldn't even tell our parents, seeming to feel quite comfortable around eachother. After a few hours of chat we fall into a very comfortable silence, still admiring the view from my balcony.

"I know i said we didn't have to talk about it, and we don't, but if you want to talk about why you were crying i'm here to listen to you, no judgement or input unless you want it?" She stays silent for a minute and rubs at her eyebrow, like she's deep in thought, she looks me in my eyes for a couple of seconds before looking out at the view.

"I think my marriage is over." I kinda thought that would be the case, I nod for her to continue, "We used to have such a good and healthy relationship. communication, honesty and so much laughter, but recently it's not been the same. We are constantly arguing, he lies all the time about where he is and laughter is non existent in our house. It's like we are roomates that barely speak and just merely exist in eachothers orbit. That's not how i want my relationship to be, so cold and lonely. He's not the man i once knew anymore, so i think it's time to give up on it." She finishes her story with tears pouring out of her eyes, whilst trying to find the right words to say i grab her hand for some support and she leans her head on my shoulder.

"He sounds like a man full of lies, and for treating you like that he doesn't deserve you. In my opinion i wouldn't give up without asking him for an explanation as to why he is acting like this, if he chooses not to or his explanation isn't good enough then maybe leaving is for the best. You do whatever is right for you okay?"

"Thats a good idea, thank you Y/n, i've never felt comfortable talking to people about my relationship, even my family, but you make me feel really safe and like i can tell you anything, i'm hoping we can get to know eachother more?" I smile at her words agreeing with them all "I feel that way with you too Lizzie, i'd never tell anyone about my family and problems but you made it easy, i would love to get to know you more too."

"I'm here for you Elizabeth."

Authors Note:
I personally love this chapter and like the relationship these two are slowly forming here! Let me know if you want anything done in the future, or if you want to speed up/ slow down their relationship. Let me know? Lizzie and Robbie will be having a tough conversation next chapter but they aren't quite over yet...

See you in Chapter 6!

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