One Last Chance/Chapter 7

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Elizabeth's POV:
Robbie approaches me and takes a seat on the bed as i prepare for the conversation we are about to have, which could end in our marriage being over. I take a deep breath and figure out what to say to him.

"Robbie your not the same. Your not the same man i married, your different now, keeping secrets, not showing me any kind of affection and lying all the time about where you are. I don't think i can handle it anymore. You were so sweet and loving at the beginning of our marriage and now it's as if you barely care about me at all. I spoke to Y/n last night after our argument and she convinced me to talk to you and see what you have to say before jumping to ending our marriage. So because of that, i'm giving you this last chance to explain to me what's going on, and if it's not good enough i'm leaving Robbie."

I noticed that his face changed at the mention of Y/n but choose to ignore it and wait for his reply, i have said my peace and if he hasn't got a good enough excuse i will be packing my things and leaving. It feels like minutes pass by before he says something, seemingly trying to use his words carefully to not set me off.

"I have been distant, your completely right about that, it's just married life is so so different to being your boyfriend, or even fiànce. It just felt like my life was over and i'd never be able to do anything on my own again, but i'm so sorry that i have hurt you, it was never my intention baby and now after hearing how you feel i promise to change, i can't loose you Lizzie i just can't."

He seems so genuine with his words that i believe him, he begs me to stay and give us one more chance. I have a really bad feeling that i don't understand but just ignore it as he pulls me in for a kiss. After we pull apart i hug him close for a few minutes before we head downstairs for some brunch since i slept in. After a few hours i go upstairs to get ready for my coffee date with Y/n, which i'm super excited about. I pick out some nice blue skinny jeans and a plain black top, sticking my LA cap on top of my head and getting my handbag i make my way downstairs. Robbie gives me a confused look and i momentarily forgot i didn't tell him i had plans today.

"Sorry baby i forgot i told Y/n we were getting coffee today to get to know eachother more, i shouldn't be long." I make my way over and peck him on the lips before standing straight seeing his slightly hurt face. I'm confused as to why he is acting like this everytime i mention her name?

"Is everything okay?" He just looks at me before saying "Oh.. Yeah everything is good, i'll see you later babe have fun!" He gives me his fake smile and i give him a half smile back before heading to the car and letting Y/n know i'm on my way, she send me the heart emoji making me smile. I put my phone down and head to the coffee shop.

After a 20 minute drive i arrive at the cute little coffee shop between mine and Y/n's house. It's small and cosy looking and is also far away from paparazzi so me and her will be safe. I check in the mirror to make sure i look okay before getting out and heading inside, excited to see my new friend.

I look around and spot Y/n waiting for me, a smile on her face, it makes me smile back as i make my way towards her and give her a hug which she reciprocates almost immediately. After we say hi she comes over to my side to took my chair in for me. "Very chivalrous of you miss Sefton!" She just smirks to herself as she takes a seat facing me. We both order our coffees before getting to know eachother some more.

" did it go with Robbie and your chat? Did you get it off your chest and did he give you a good enough explanation?"

She seems so intrigued in everything i have to say, just as i am to what she says.

"It went okay, i told him how i was feeling. He didn't give me the best i'm sorry but he told me married life felt different to him, i don't really know how to feel about that but i just let it go, i made it clear that this is our last chance to save our relationship and if he doesn't try hard enough then it will be the end of us."

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