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Author's pov

Taehyung's mind swirled with thoughts of the bunny boy, consumed by the enigmatic figure of Jungkook. Lost in his reverie, he barely noticed Jimin's hand waving in front of his eyes until the sudden movement snapped him back to reality.

"What happened?" Taehyung blinked, his gaze darting around as he regained his bearings.

"We're here, in class," Jimin replied, gesturing towards the door of their classroom. Taehyung followed his gaze and realized they had reached their destination. With a nod, he followed Jimin inside, the chatter of their classmates filling the air.

As they found their way to their seats, Jimin leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "I sit with my boyfriend, Min Yoongi. I'll introduce you to him and our friends during break time."

Taehyung nodded eagerly, grateful for the prospect of making new friends in this unfamiliar environment. "Thanks, Jimin. I appreciate it."

Settling into the seat Jimin had pointed out—a cozy spot in the corner with a view of the outdoors—Taehyung unpacked his bag and retrieved a book, eager to immerse himself in its pages.

But his concentration was shattered by the sudden commotion in the room, the sound of his classmates chanting Jungkook's name drawing his attention. Curious, Taehyung looked up and spotted Jungkook entering the classroom, his presence commanding attention.

Excited by the prospect of seeing Jungkook again, Taehyung waved enthusiastically, his smile widening as their eyes met. But to his disappointment, Jungkook's expression remained impassive, devoid of any reaction to Taehyung's greeting.

Undeterred, Taehyung watched as Jungkook approached, his heart fluttering with anticipation. When Jungkook finally spoke, his voice was cool and detached, a sharp contrast to the warmth Taehyung had hoped for.

"Move aside," Jungkook said, his tone brusque as he indicated the empty space beside Taehyung. Startled by the abruptness of his words, Taehyung complied, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he shifted in his seat.

Once Jungkook had settled in beside him, Taehyung couldn't help but steal glances in his direction, his curiosity piqued by the mysterious boy who seemed to exude an aura of both aloofness and intrigue.

Meanwhile, Jungkook's mind raced with a tumult of conflicting emotions. He couldn't shake the memory of his recent encounter with Taehyung, the image of the other boy's eager smile etched in his mind.

He felt a flush of embarrassment over his recent actions. Hastily wishing Taehyung well, he retreated hastily, his mind swirling with confusion. Why did he care what Taehyung thought of him? Taehyung was just another classmate.

Determined to refocus on his studies and basketball, Jungkook made his way to his seat, enduring the usual clamor from his classmates. Spotting Taehyung in his usual spot, Jungkook sighed inwardly, realizing they were in the same department.

Reluctantly, he approached, silently instructing Taehyung to move over.
Taking his seat with a sigh, Jungkook tried to focus on the task at hand, burying himself in a book, attempting to ignore the strange flutter in his chest and also to block out the cacophony of voices around him.

But despite his efforts, his thoughts kept drifting back to Taehyung, the strange fluttering sensation in his chest refusing to dissipate.

Lost in his own turmoil, Jungkook barely registered the concerned whispers of his classmates, their curious glances only serving to exacerbate his unease.

Across the room, Jimin and Yoongi exchanged glances, noting Jungkook's uncharacteristic behavior. "Did you see that?" Jimin whispered, leaning towards Yoongi. "Jungkook never lets anyone sit beside him, but he didn't object to Taehyung."

Yoongi furrowed his brow, his gaze lingering on Jungkook. "Yeah, it's strange. Maybe he's starting to open up?"

Jimin nodded thoughtfully, his gaze softening with concern. "I hope so. He's been through a lot."

Their attention was soon diverted as the professor entered the room, signaling the start of class. But even as they turned their focus to their studies, Jungkook's behavior lingered in their minds, a puzzle waiting to be solved.

As the class began, they settled into their routine, with the professor welcoming the new students. Taehyung and another student introduced themselves before class commenced, eventually giving way to the break.

Jungkook hastily packed his bag, eager to escape the classroom. Taehyung wanted to speak with him, but the opportunity eluded him as Jimin invited him to join for lunch. Walking alongside Jimin and Yoongi, Taehyung finally got to know Yoongi, finding him just as kind-hearted as Jimin.


Arriving at the cafeteria, they were greeted by two older students, Jin and Namjoon, who Jimin introduced as a couple. Settling in, Taehyung enjoyed their banter, feeling at ease despite being the only single one among them. As they ate, conversation flowed, and Yoongi mentioned someone named Hobi, explaining his absence.

After lunch, they decided to take a stroll around the campus grounds, enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun.

Yoongi's concern for 'Bun' piqued Taehyung's curiosity, and Jimin clarified that they were referring to Jungkook, whom they cared for deeply. Taehyung realized there was more to Jungkook than met the eye, his curiosity piqued by the mystery surrounding him.

As the day unfolded, Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling that Jungkook held secrets beneath his stoic facade, a notion that both intrigued and troubled him. Despite the uncertainty, Taehyung felt a growing desire to unravel the enigma that was Jungkook, unaware of the challenges that lay ahead.

"So, Taehyung," Jin began, breaking the comfortable silence, "what made you choose our university?"

Jin's inquiry prompted Taehyung to reflect on his aspirations, a spark of determination flickering in his eyes.

"Well," Taehyung began, his voice steady with conviction, "this university has always been a dream of mine. I've heard so much about its prestigious programs and the opportunities it offers. I knew that studying here would be a step towards achieving my goals."

Namjoon nodded thoughtfully, a hint of admiration in his gaze. "It's impressive that you're pursuing your dreams with such dedication. We're lucky to have someone like you joining our community."

Taehyung's smile widened, a sense of pride swelling within him. "Thank you," he replied earnestly, "I'm grateful for the chance to learn and grow here. And I'm excited to see where this journey takes me."



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