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Author's pov

Jungkook stirred from his slumber after just two hours, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes as he adjusted to wakefulness. The room was quiet, save for a faint sound calling his name. Turning in the direction of the voice, he found Jimin standing there.

"Jungkook," Jimin spoke softly, handing him a glass of water. Jungkook accepted it gratefully, taking a sip before placing the glass back on the bedside table.

"Are you feeling better now?" Jimin inquired with concern, to which Jungkook nodded in response.

"If you're up to it, you can talk to me, bun. I'm here for you," Jimin offered supportively.

Moved by Jimin's kindness, Jungkook felt a surge of emotions and embraced him tightly.

After a moment, Jungkook pulled back slightly, taking a deep breath before confiding, "Jimin... I think I like Taehyung."

"Oh, we all like Taehyung, bun," Jimin replied casually.

"No, Jimin, not just in a friendly way... I mean, I like him romantically," Jungkook clarified.

"Wait, you mean you're into him that way?" Jimin's eyes widened with excitement. "Omg, I'm so happy for you!"

Jungkook halted Jimin's jubilation, saying, "Jimin, you remember when I first saw him? That day, I felt something different, but I pushed it aside because I didn't want to go through those feelings again, the ones that shattered me from within. As time passed, Taehyung and I grew closer, and so did my feelings, but there was always this nagging fear holding me back... the fear that Taehyung might be like Ryan."

"But Jungkook, not everyone is like Ryan. You can't judge based on past experiences. Taehyung is a wonderful person, unlike that jerk," Jimin reassured.

"I know, Jimin, but remember, at the beginning, Ryan seemed nice too? Yet, deep down, I had a feeling that Taehyung was different, and you know what? I was right," Jungkook exclaimed with joy.

"How did you come to realize this?" Jimin inquired.

Jungkook recounted everything that had transpired the previous day, from his drunken state to Taehyung's caring actions.

"Jimin, even when I was in no state to think clearly, Taehyung didn't take advantage. He's not interested in just my body. He took care of me, showing what a true gentleman he is. Despite my initial coldness, he remained loving and kind, which he truly is. When I understood this, I knew for sure that he's nothing like Ryan. He's genuine. Yes, I was wrong to compare him, but I was scared, Jimin. I didn't want to face heartbreak again. I was confused about my feelings, but now I'm certain. I... I genuinely like Taehyung alot," Jungkook admitted with a shy smile.

"I get it, bun. It's never too late," Jimin reassured him.

Jungkook hesitated, the fear of rejection clouding his thoughts. "But what if Taehyung doesn't feel the same way about me?"

"Aww, Jungkook, who could resist your charm?" Jimin chuckled softly. "I'm sure Taehyung feels something for you too. But don't wait too long to find out. If not now, then when?"

Jungkook nodded, determination gleaming in his eyes. "You're right, Jimin. I can't keep hiding my feelings. I have to talk to him and face whatever the outcome may be."

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