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Author's pov

As the days blended into weeks and weeks wove themselves into a month, Taehyung, Jungkook, Yoongi, and Namjoon emerged as the chosen few for the university basketball team, amidst a constellation of other talented players.

With the final competition slated for a date right after their exams, they were caught in a dual tide of preparation, balancing academics with sports.

Taehyung, in particular, found solace and concentration in the quiet corners of the university's library, dedicating his evenings to study.

One day, after engrossing himself in a tome of knowledge, Taehyung replaced the book on its shelf, departing earlier than his usual hour.

The sky, a brooding canvas, threatened a downpour that seemed imminent. As he made his way across the campus, the first rebellious drops began their descent, causing him to sigh heavily and seek shelter, lamenting his forgetfulness in not bringing an umbrella.

Standing under the scant protection of an overhang, Taehyung's gaze wandered across the field before him, observing the transformation wrought by the raindrops. He had always harbored a fondness for the rain, finding in its melody a tranquil beauty.

However, his introspective reverie was abruptly shattered as his eyes landed on a solitary figure making its way into the campus, a guitar slung across his back and no umbrella to shield him from the rain.

As the figure drew nearer, recognition dawned on Taehyung. It was Jungkook, soaked to the bone, yet moving with purposeful strides.

Curiosity piqued, Taehyung pondered the reason behind Jungkook's rain-drenched arrival and the direction of his determined march. Though Jungkook hadn't noticed Taehyung, a mixture of concern and curiosity propelled Taehyung to follow him, despite the nagging feeling that it might be an intrusion.

But then, as suddenly as he had appeared, Jungkook vanished from sight. Taehyung, now thoroughly drenched himself, searched in vain until a seraphic voice, emanating from the university hall, captured his entire being.

Compelled by the angelic melody, he found himself outside a window of the hall, through which he witnessed a scene that would forever etch itself into his memory.

Compelled by the angelic melody, he found himself outside a window of the hall, through which he witnessed a scene that would forever etch itself into his memory

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Jungkook, oblivious to his soaked attire and the world beyond his music, was singing with an ethereal voice that transcended the mundane. Taehyung, entranced, stood frozen, absorbing every note, every lyric, with an intensity that bordered on reverence.

"I'm in my bed
And you're not here
And there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands
Forget what I said
It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back, I can't unpack the baggage you left

What am I now? What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling
What if I'm down? What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling"~

When Jungkook ceased his song and exited the hall, Taehyung, fearing discovery, hastily retreated, his heart carrying the weight of an indescribable emotion.

As the rain abated, marking Jungkook's departure from the campus, Taehyung was left with a profound realization. Jungkook possessed a gift, a voice that held the power to touch souls, and Taehyung had been privileged to witness this unseen facet of his Jungkook.


Time marched on, unfazed, as exams and competitions loomed closer. Yet, amidst the relentless tide of preparations, a moment of camaraderie unfolded in the university cafeteria.

Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, and the others gathered, a scene of unity and friendship. Jungkook, initially reticent, had been coaxed into joining them by Taehyung's persistent invitations. Deep down, he cherished these moments, grateful to Taehyung for rekindling bonds he feared were lost.

It was during these shared meals that Taehyung confided in his friends about his burgeoning feelings for Jungkook. Their reaction was one of unsurprising support; they had seen the connection forming, had hoped for it. They debated revealing Jungkook's past to Taehyung, but he refused, wishing to hear it from Jungkook himself, in time.

The consensus among them was unspoken but unanimous: Taehyung and Jungkook were meant to find their way to each other. Jungkook's guarded heart was a fortress of silence, yet they harbored no doubts. For in the tapestry of human connections, some threads are destined to intertwine, and they believed, without a shadow of a doubt, that Jungkook would inevitably find his way to Taehyung. After all, who could resist the allure of a soul so pure, a heart so earnest?


[ Don't you think there is some connection between Rain and Taekook 😚❤️ ]

[ Don't you think there is some connection between Rain and Taekook 😚❤️ ]

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