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Author's pov

After classes ended, they reconvened at the bustling cafeteria, the aroma of freshly cooked meals filling the air. However, Jungkook found himself increasingly irritated by the sight of Taehyung and Jiwoo, who seemed to be inseparable, their laughter and inside jokes grating on his nerves.

As they sat down for lunch, plates clinking and chatter filling the space, Jackson, a friendly face from their class, approached their table with a wide grin. "Hey, guys! Just a quick reminder, my birthday bash is tonight at 7:00 PM. Don't even think about being fashionably late!" he exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

"Of course, we'll be there on time," Yoongi assured him with a smile, speaking for the group. With a wave, Jackson headed off, leaving them to finish their meal and head back to the rest of their classes.

The afternoon passed in a blur of lectures and notes, the anticipation of the evening's celebration lingering in their minds. Finally, the bell signaled the end of the day, and they made their way out of the school building, exchanging casual banter and making plans for the evening.

Evening descended, casting a golden hue over the city as they gathered.

Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung were already waiting for Jungkook in Yoongi's sleek car, the soft music playing in the background, adding to the atmosphere.

"I'm here, guys," Jungkook announced as he approached, drawing surprised looks from his friends. Dressed in a stylish outfit, he exuded confidence and charm.

"Wow, looking sharp, Jungkook," Jimin complimented, his eyes scanning Jungkook's attire appreciatively.

"Thanks, Jimin," Jungkook replied with a grin and sat inside the car beside Taehyung. "You all look great too," he added, giving each of them a nod of approval.

"Thank you," Yoongi and Jimin replied,
meanwhile, Taehyung's attention was divided between Jungkook's compliment and his own inner turmoil.

He couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in his chest upon hearing Jungkook's words, but at the same time, he wrestled with conflicting emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.

His gaze lingered on Jungkook, taking in every detail of his features-the curve of his smile, the twinkle in his eyes, and the effortless charm that seemed to radiate from him.

Despite Taehyung's attempt to compose himself, his mind was a chaotic whirlwind of emotions. He battled against the surge of attraction and admiration he felt towards Jungkook, reminding himself to stay grounded and not let his feelings spiral out of control.

For Jungkook, sitting inside the car beside Taehyung felt both comforting and electrifying. Jungkook's gaze often drifted towards Taehyung, his heart skipping a beat each time their eyes met.

He couldn't help but notice Taehyung's captivating looks that day, although Taehyung was always handsome to him. There was a subtle longing in Jungkook's eyes, a desire to be closer to Taehyung, yet he restrained himself, unsure of how his feelings would be received.

His emotions were a whirlwind of admiration, longing, and a hint of nervousness as he tried to navigate the unspoken tension between them.

The charged silence between them was palpable as they locked eyes, a fleeting moment of unspoken connection that sent ripples of anticipation through their hearts.

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