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Author's pov

[ ⚠️ Mention of suicide ahead ]

The door creaked open, and as Jimin and Jungkook's mother stepped into the room, their world shattered into a million pieces. There lay Jungkook, a heartbreaking sight amidst a crimson pool, a testament to his pain and despair. It was a scene that froze their souls and ignited a storm of emotions within them.

"JUNGKOOK!" Jimin's cry pierced through the air, filled with disbelief and anguish, echoed by his mother's desperate plea.

Trembling hands reached out to touch Jungkook, to shake him gently as if to coax life back into him. "Open your eyes, Jungkook," Jimin's voice cracked with fear and sorrow.

"Why, my son? Why didn't you think of us?" JK's mother's tears flowed freely, mirroring the ocean of emotions that engulfed them all.

Jimin's trembling fingers dialed JK's father's number, urgency and panic lacing every digit as he relayed the devastating news. Within moments, JK's father rushed in, his face etched with shock and dread as he beheld his son's lifeless form.

"My son!" JK's father's voice cracked with emotion, his heart breaking at the sight before him. "How could this happen?"

Jimin, his voice filled with a sense of urgency, urged, "We must get him to the hospital immediately. He's lost so much blood."

"Yes, you're right," JK's father nodded, his hands trembling as he lifted Jungkook's limp body, a weight heavier than any he had ever known.

As they rushed out, Jimin's eyes caught sight of a paper fluttering in the chaos. With trembling hands, he picked it up, his eyes scanning the words that would unravel a tangled web of emotions.

Tears blurred Jimin's vision as he ran, the paper clutched tightly in his hand. He collided with Yoongi, whose eyes widened in concern at Jimin's distress.

"What happened?" Yoongi's voice was filled with worry as Jimin poured out the tragic events.

With a heavy heart, Jimin recounted everything, including the contents of the letter. Yoongi's disbelief mirrored Jimin's own, his heart constricting with a mixture of fear and anger for his younger brother.

Without delay, they made their way to the wedding hall, where laughter and joy had once reigned, now replaced by a somber air of concern and prayer.

News spread like wildfire, and soon, a collective prayer for Jungkook's recovery echoed through the halls. Then they hurried to the hospital, where the harsh reality of Jungkook's critical state hit them like a tidal wave.


In the hushed corridors of the hospital, where the faint scent of antiseptic mingled with the heaviness of worry, Yoongi's anger simmered like a storm about to unleash its fury. His footsteps echoed with purpose as he marched toward JK's father, his eyes ablaze with accusation and pain.

"You must be thrilled, seeing your son like this!" Yoongi's words were sharp, cutting through the tense atmosphere like a knife.

JK's father, his face a mask of anguish and confusion, responded defensively, "What in the world are you saying? My son's life is hanging by a thread, and you dare..."

"Oh, spare me your false concern, Mr. Jeon!" Yoongi's voice rose, carrying the weight of pent-up frustration and sorrow. "Do you even realize who pushed Jungkook to this brink?"

JK's father's eyes widened, a mix of shock and disbelief clouding his features. "I will find out who is responsible and..."

"You don't need to look far, Mr. Jeon!" Yoongi's voice thundered, resonating with the pain of a brother witnessing his sibling's agony. "It's you! You're the one who drove him to this!"

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