To Be So Lonely

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Summary: Louis thinks jealous Harry is cute but doesn't appreciate getting a taste of his own medicine.


"Are you almost ready Haz?" Louis calls through the apartment, eager to start their movie. Movie being code for snuggle session, that is.  

Rain beats down against the window panes, an orchestra of noise that creates a cozy atmosphere for the lazy Tuesday night.

"Almost." Comes Harry's voice from the bedroom and the door swings open softly, Louis' boyfriend emerging with a gentle grin.

He's pulling his loose flannel pajama bottoms up over his momentarily exposed boxers, freshly washed from the steamy shower. His shirt is tossed over his shoulder, leaving his tattoo covered torso for Louis to admire.

"Like what you see, Baby?" Harry smiles as he makes his way to his boyfriend, snapping the waistband of the pants and retrieving the shirt from his shoulder. Holding each end of the fabric, he wraps it gently around the back of Louis' neck, easing him forward and laying his lips on Louis'.

Louis gladly obliges, allowing himself to be pulled into Harry's embrace, his palms laying flat against the strong chest pressing against him.

"Mm, you smell good." Louis takes a deep breath in, enjoying the high he gets from Harry's scent.

"I know. I took a shower." Harry says, pulling back slightly to look Lou in the eyes. His head dips down so his lips are hovering next to Louis' ear, his breath sending hot shivers down the boy's spine.

"You should've been in there with me." Harry breathes before kissing the neck below Louis' ear.

Louis closes his eyes, his lips parting as Harry makes his way down his neck.

Clarity slicing through his head, Louis' hand flies up, smacking the head of long curls bent next to his neck.

The lips stop pulling at the soft skin, but don't remove themselves for a moment until Harry finally detaches himself from his heaven.

Straightening, his hand lays on the skin his lips were on moments ago.

"What was that for, love?" Harry asks, confusion mixed with disappointment in his voice.

"We have to save it for the movie Haz." Louis grins up at his boyfriend, who's clearly amused by Louis' reasoning.

Without wasting a second, Harry skips over to the remote, opens Netflix and starts playing whatever the first recommended movie is.

Making a show of pressing play, he skips back over to Louis, hands landing of his waist.

"Are we good now?" Harry whispers playfully.

Louis giggles before backing away and running to the couch, flopping across it.

"I want to watch the movie." He calls back to Harry, who's still standing where they were, his eyes following Louis' bum as it raced away.

"You don't even know the movie." Harry counters, walking over and sitting on the couch. Carefully, he pulls Louis onto his lap so his feathery hair is leaning against Harry's still naked chest.

"But maybe I want to know it. The lead looks hot." Louis responds, knowing he's getting Harry flustered by the taunting. He gets jealous very easily, and Louis loves the overly protective Harry that comes out during this.

The grip around his hips tightens and he feels the sudden presence of hot breath around his ear again.

"You think he's hot?" Harry murmurs into his ear, his fingers creeping under Lou's shirt.

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