Hey Angel

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Summary: Louis drags Harry outside for a snow day.


"Haz! Haz, look!" Louis comes bounding through the door, leaping through the air and landing on Harry's bed with a bounce.

Groaning, Harry rolls over slightly, his face burying in his pillow.

"Open your eyes. I know you're awake."

"M'not." Harry grumbles into his pillow, his senses sharpening slowly as the slumber leaves his body.

"Haaaarryyyyy," Louis hums out, his fingers running gently through the other's thick curls.

"Looouiiiiis," Harry sings back, flipping onto his back, his eyes falling shut at Louis' touch.

"Guess what."

Sarcastically, Harry guesses "This is all just a dream and you didn't actually just wake me from the best sleep I've ever had?"

A brief pause fills the room, Louis' fingers stopping the rhythmic rubbing patterns. "That wasn't actually the best sleep you've ever had, was it?" The nervousness in his voice aches Harry's heart.

"No, baby, of course not. I was just messing with you." He sits up, taking Louis' hips and tugging him onto his lap. "The best sleep I ever had was the first night I slept with you in my arms."

A smile paints Louis' features again, as happy as before. "Okay, good. Cause you did look really adorable when you were asleep, like you were having a good time. Anyway-" he starts bouncing up and down on the bed again, excitement radiating from him. "It snowed last night! The fluffy and powdery stuff!"

"Did it?" Harry asks, not caring too much about the weather, the smile on Louis' face brightens up any day.

"Yeah. So come on." Louis pulls Harry forward by his wrists, but struggles when his boyfriend's body goes limp.

"Baaabyyyyy! It's cold outside, and it's so warm under the blankets." Harry whines childishly, his body hanging half off the bed where Louis left him.

"So put on a jacket. Now hurry up." Louis wraps his arms around Harry's legs, the only limbs keeping him in the bed.

With a loud cry from the green eyed boy, Louis tosses his legs up and over his head, sending Harry tumbling to the ground.

"Well that explains why you're so cold. Put a shirt on, Haz."

"But then where's the fun of it for you?" Harry challenges from his spot on the ground, his cheek smushed against the hardwood.

"The fun's outside."

With that, Louis skips cheerfully to the closet to put on one of Harry's oversized, warm sweatshirts.

Pulling it over his head, he struggles a bit finding the head hole, but pops it through soon enough.

A pair of strong arms envelops the small boy, a satisfied sigh coming from Harry's lips.

"You look so good in that, Lou."

"It's literally your old high school sweatshirt. It's like twice my size."

"So? I'm like twice your size and you still look good in me."

Heat rises to Louis' cheeks as he swivels in Harry's grasp.

"No no no. We have to have my kind of fun before we get to your kind of fun."

"But you like my kind of fun."

"I do." Louis agrees. "But I like my kind of fun too. Now let's go."


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