He's Such an Actress

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Summary: the boys find a black dress in Louis' room and he can't possibly seem to come up with not even one single idea of where it might have come from

Also, do you think Harry ever lays in bed at night thinking about what a great person he is? I hope he does. I hope he knows.


"Oh Lewis!" Niall and Zayn call as they race up the stairs to his bedroom. It's at the end of the hall, allowing for a lot of shoving and elbowing as they try to reach him first.

Just as they tumble around the corner, they hear a door slam, just barely seeing the bathroom door across the hall from Louis' room shutting.

Hesitating, the boys exchange a glance before Niall knocks loudly on the bathroom door.

"Louis, you alright?" He asks loudly, leaning towards the door to listen. When no one responds, he reaches out for the doorknob, slowly opening it. He only gets it cracked about an inch or so before a body seems to fall against it from the other side, closing it instantly.

Some scrambling from behind them catches their attention and a few seconds later the bedroom door is being yanked open by a slightly ruffled looking Louis.

"Hey, mates. Come on in."

Zayn snickers at Niall as he grimaces, regretfully turning back to the bathroom and knocking. "Sorry Lottie. Or Fizzy, Daisy, Phoebe, or Ms. Jay. If it's one of the girls, you can punch me later, if it's Jay, you can kick me out right before dinner. Uh, I'll see you later, I guess."

Louis watches Niall with wide eyes, mouth hanging open before hissing at the Irish boy. "What did you do?"

"I thought you went into the bathroom so I opened the door a bit to see if you were okay. I didn't mean to violate anyone-"

"Why would you open the door if I was in there? I could've been taking a shit?!"

"But you weren't." Niall taps his head, grinning at Louis as if he were a genius.

Scoffing, Louis tugs the boys inside his room, moving to close the door behind them when a pained "ow!" stops him.

"Li!" Zayn exclaims, throwing his hands in the air and smiling. "You made it."

"Now all we need is Harry." Niall flops onto Louis' beanbag chair, claiming it as his own.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." Louis assures the group, glancing into the hallway before closing the door.

The group barely has enough time to settle into their respective seats when there's a knock on the door and Louis leaps up, rushing to open it.

"Hey, Lou." Harry grins bashfully at the man in front of him, eyes roaming over his familiar face.

"Welcome to the party, H." Louis dramatically steps to the side, his arm swinging out to present the room to Harry. "Please, join us."

"About time you showed up, Harry." Liam remarks from the floor in front of the desk chair. Zayn's currently sitting in the chair, running his fingers through Liam's hair. "You're never the last one to arrive, especially not at Louis'. Usually you're the first."

"Yeah, well." Harry clears his throat glancing around the room and scrunching his nose. "Got caught up with something."

"It doesn't matter." Louis interrupts before Liam can press further. "Niall, are you ready to lose at FIFA?"

"In your dreams, old man."

"Watch who you're calling old, buddy." Louis collapses onto the beanbag chair beside the blonde, taking one of the controllers.

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