Only the Brave

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Summary: the boys spend the day at an amusement park and are determined to get Harry and Louis together.


"There's absolutely no way."


"No. Never."

"Come oooon, Harry. Don't be a wuss."

"I am not a wuss!" Harry retorts, his voice raising defensively as he glares at the gaggle of boys trying to convince him to die.

Well, not die. Well, yes, but no.

"You have to!"

"No I don't! Niall isn't!"

"Niall just ate half his body weight in deep fried trash. He can't." Liam exclaims, pointing at a very bloated looking Niall.

"It's true." Niall groans. "I'd spew all over you guys."

"So I'll keep Niall company." Harry crosses his arms indignantly.

He knows he's being a tad dramatic, but he doesn't care. He's terrified.

Squinting against the blaring sun, he looks up at the spiraling tracks of The Deathgrip, the roller coaster his friends are peer pressuring him into riding. Said roller coaster has a 90 degree drop and speeds that reach 87 miles per hour. That's about 84 miles per hour faster than he's comfortable with.

"I'm a big boy, I can sit here without my mommy." Niall nudges Harry away from him, towards the line for Harry's thirteenth reason.

The amusement park bustles with visitors around them, a few little kids racing around, creating chaos.

"Can we go on that one? Please please please?" A small girl no older than eleven begs her father, pointing at the very coaster Harry is decidedly against.

Scoffing, Harry pretends to not hear them.

"Please, Haz? It's four people per train cart, Liam and Z are gonna sit together. I don't want to be sat with someone's sweaty father."

Harry glares at the air in front of him.


Of course Louis had to go and say something. Everyone knows Harry can't say no to Louis, that's why he had been standing steadfast with his back to the boy.

A gentle, almost intimate, hand rubs the small of Harry's back lightly, and he turns slowly to the blue eyed boy.

The three other boys shut up, knowing Louis' on the edge of cracking Harry, as usual. They've got that tension. A chemistry both parties deny.

"But I don't want to." Harry whines softly, feeling Louis' hand slide to his elbow when he turns to stand face to face.

"Why not?"

As if on cue, the next train of riders roars out of the loading dock, screams bursting from their lungs as they plummet to earth before being ripped up into a toe-curling, butt-clenching loop.

"It'll be okay, Haz. They do this a hundred times a day," Louis tries to reassure the worried emerald eyes. "Nothing's going to go wrong. I'll be right next to you."

Harry chews on his lip, eyes boring into Louis', brow knit tightly.

A loud belch pulls their attention from each other and they turn to see Zayn waving a hand in front of his face, a disgusted look painting his features.

Niall giggles, "Excuse me. Dr. Pepper, you know."

With a small chuckle, Louis brings Harry's attention back.

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