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Summary: the band goes on The Late Late Show, and pranking each other seems to be an emotional pastime.


"When we come back, One Direction will be performing Night Changes live!" James points to the camera then turns to the row of boys, who all cheer or throw up jazz hands.

Once they go to commercial, the band stands, being ushered out the door, Harry first. Once he's gone, the crew sticks out their hands and block their way, preventing the other four from following, unbeknownst to Harry.

"What-?" Zayn looks around quizzically before spotting James rushing over to them with a camera.

"Okay boys, here's the plan." He giggles, turning to the camera and beckoning it closer. "Harry's getting his final touches for your performance, and when he's done and comes out of the dressing room, you four are going to scare him, wearing these-" he holds up four cheap clown masks, "fantastic scaring devices. Now Louis, don't look at me that way, I know Liam doesn't need a mask to scare Harry but we're doing this as a group."

Niall bursts out in a fit of laughter, Zayn knocking Liam's shoulder playfully. All four boys accept their masks and sneak off down the hall to Harry's dressing room.

Louis feels a little uneasy about the prank, because he knows how scared of clowns his boyfriend is, and how sometimes when he gets really scared he passes out. But surely that won't happen here, the show wouldn't do anything to hurt Harry. Right?

Once they're all tucked around the corner a few feet from Harry's door, they wait, giggling to themselves.

Suddenly Louis' phone starts ringing, and he's positive he knows who's calling. Trying to ignore it, he starts a quick conversation with Niall.

"Who is it?"

"Probably just Harry." He responds nonchalantly.

"Answer it!" James urges, and Louis' mouth opens and closes wordlessly.

"We don't want him to know we're right here. My voice tends to carry, you know."

Before James can argue back, the ringing stops and Louis lets out a breath of relief.

Until there comes the telltale ping of a new voicemail.

"Play it!"

Louis' heart starts thumping at a million miles per minute. There's no way he can play the voicemail, which he's sure is one of Harry's regular, graphic descriptions of what he wants Louis to do to him after the show.

Just as Louis starts to look suspicious, they hear the door to Harry's dressing room creaking open. They tug their masks on and look to James for guidance. He gives them a silent countdown, 3, 2, 1 and they all jump out from behind the wall, screaming and growling at an unprepared Harry.

He gasps loudly, like all the air is ripped from him and his vocal chords went on vacation. Louis freezes. Harry usually screams. He only gasps when he's so scared he's about to-

Stumbling back, eyes wide, Harry trips over his feet and goes crashing to the floor in a faint.

Louis can't hear over the other's ruckus, but he has to assume Harry hit his head pretty hard on the tile. He's already rushing forward, ripping the mask from his face and kneeling beside the boy.

"Harry? Harry come on!"

His eyes are closed, his lips slightly parted and Louis can see the steady rise and fall of his chest. That's good. He's breathing.

"Harry?" Zayn's worried voice joins Louis', and quickly the whole band is huddled around his limp body, James yelling for paramedics and the cameras getting invasively close.

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